Prolonged odor stimulation, however, could produce more long-lasting reductions in response, possibly involving structures higher in the central nervous system pathway.
In the second stage the parasites cross the blood-brain barrier to infect the central nervous system.
I suspect it's the most powerful antihistamine known to man and gets into the central nervous system.
That is welcome news for Carl Robb. He has Parkinson's Disease - a disease of the central nervous system.
Young children playing on the floor are particularly at risk to mercury’s effects on the central nervous system.
Young children playing on the floor are particularly at risk to mercury's effects on the central nervous system.
Caffeine is defined as a drug because it stimulates the central nervous system, causing increased alertness.
The communication signals are inhibited, thus slowing down mental processing and the central nervous system.
This disease affects the central nervous system, but we don't have any medicine that can have an effect on it.
The head is the central nervous system of the Mechapede and must be kept away from attackers wherever possible.
The head is the central nervous system of the Mechapede and must be kept away from attackers wherever possible.
There is no doubt that treatment affects the central nervous system, and you may experience emotional highs and lows.
That is welcome news for Carl Robb. He has Parkinson's disease - a degenerative disease of the central nervous system.
These connections are reciprocal , such that the central nervous system both sends and receives input from the viscera.
Conclusion the wide distribution of ADM in the brain indicates that ADM has important role in the central nervous system.
When symptoms emerge, the patient is often already in an advanced disease stage where the central nervous system is affected.
A rear view of the skull reveals the brain and the cervical spinal cord, which function together as the central nervous system.
Likewise, signals can be entered into the brain through the auditory nerve, and all of the other portals to the central nervous system.
Structural or relaxation massage, or both, might have specific effects, such as stimulating tissue or calming the central nervous system.
Pure neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial tumors of the central nervous system are uncommon and make up approximately 1% of all brain tumors.
This review summarizes the function of GLP-1 on different organs including the stomach, heart, liver, and the central nervous system (CNS).
本篇综述总结了GLP - 1在不同脏器的功能作用,包括胃、心脏、肝和中枢神经系统。
Effects and Symptoms: Difficulty talking, and rapid onset of paralysis of the respiratory system, followed by paralysis of the central nervous system.
The finding suggests that therapies to treat the disease will need to take the central nervous system into account in order to be fully effective.
I think it adjusts the histamine receptors, which are the grand maestro of the central nervous system, and down regulates it, which is beneficial.
Rabies is an infectious disease of the central nervous system caused by a virus and spread chiefly by domestic dogs and wild flesh-eating animals.
It is broadly localized in the central nervous system, where it influences synaptic transmission and contributes to learning and memory mechanisms.
It is the influence of muscle tonus upon bone formation that brings this aspect of morphogenesis back to an interaction with the central nervous system.
It is the influence of muscle tonus upon bone formation that brings this aspect of morphogenesis back to an interaction with the central nervous system.