China previously did not have a special law covering violence in the family, an issue oftenignored to avoid bringing shame upon the family in traditional Chinese culture.
Binhai has a sound governance, good social law and order as well as prosperous culture, is the home of Chinese poetry, traditional couplets and the sole calligraphy county in Jiangsu.
The reasons for the above-mentioned problems are :(1) with the influence of Chinese traditional law culture, people lack consciousness of right and equality;
As a way of setting disputes, mediation system is a significant part of Chinese traditional law culture especially the Confucianism law culture.
Chinese traditional civil law is the product of Chinese culture and is one of the important components in traditional legal culture.
From a custom perspective, sacrifice embodies filial piety, the core value of Chinese traditional law culture — the proprieties.
The field of law, someone view the legal culture of west by the way which from the traditional Chinese civilization;
The field of law, someone view the legal culture of west by the way which from the traditional Chinese civilization;