Dr. Kunio Komiyama, a dentist at the University of Saskatchewan College of Dentistry in Canada, designed a new “solar-powered toothbrush” that cleanses the mouth without using toothpaste.
加拿大萨斯克彻温大学(University of Saskatchewan College)牙科学专业的牙科医师小宫山·邦雄(Kunio Komiyama)博士设计出了一种新型的“太阳能牙刷”,这种牙刷不需要牙膏就能清洁口腔。
That's what inspired New York university's College of Dentistry to team up with its College of Nursing to check patients at the university's free dental clinic for other health-related issues.
正因为此,纽约大学牙科学院(New York University ' sCollege of Dentistry)与护理学院携手在学校的免费牙科诊所为病人检查其他的健康问题。
Researchers from the University of Florida College of Dentistry report their findings May 25 at the 110th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in San Diego.
A four-year college program in dentistry usually leads to the Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) or Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree.
A four-year college program in dentistry usually leads to the Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) or Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree.