The story she told was certainly colourful, and extended over her life in England, Germany, and Spain.
They are spontaneous and unstructured, full of daily minutiae (visits to the dentist, car trouble, useless builders) and delightful snippets from her colourful personal life.
In her later years, Taylor's close friendship with the late Michael Jackson was considered just another facet of her colourful character and life.
Life becomes warmer and more gentle because of women. And the world becomes brighter and more colourful because of women.
From the birth of the moment, we began its own unique life experience, to experience life colourful.
Besides, lectures make the life of college students colourful and enjoyable.
Life in the college is colourful and bright, which predicate that when you recall it many years later, there is so many nice memory in your mind and nothing to compunction.
Wandering in the urban communities of qingyuan city, it is easy to find that the citizen's life here is colourful, and that the great fun and satisfaction of shopping and sightseeing are irresistible.
Simply go for a midnight, moonlight stroll. Take in the colourful street life that never stops.
Besides, lectures make the life of college students colourful and enjoyable.
This activity makes my after school life more colourful, and let me know the foreigners the custom of Halloween.
It would be easy to pick out from the life and character of a man with such a versatile talent and colourful life a conglomerate of the qualities that have endeared him to his reader.
A light , in a brief retrospect , drove away darkness from the bottom of my heart and enabled me to live a colourful life. It is the friendship.
Life is colourful here and we PMP students do not feel lonely because we have classmates scattered among the cities in England and we can gather in most important Chinese festivals.
LED light source energy-saving, environmental protection, long life and for automatic control changes, colourful and can be played on the landscape Hongtuo the role, making them more artistic tastes.
Yes, there are gloomy days, but if you want, you can see out of the window, the sky is blue, the trees are green and the flowers are colourful, the same as life.
And the neighbourhood committee not only solves problems in elder residents daily life, but also helps them live a colourful life.
Hope the life likes a colourful flower, and climbing forever!
On the occasion of the first anniversary of the SilkAir crash, he wrote this article to express his sense of sorrow and loss of a young lady whose life was so eventful yet colourful.
Everything recalled the colourful court life so recently departed.
The medium segment which lets to live in our life gives out light one colourful.
The chopsticks of colourful lacker are very beautiful, the build also a good many change, but exactly is these fine chopsticks, isn't what I most do suggest everyone USES in the daily life.
"As her life became more colourful she gradually forgot about cigarettes altogether," the zookeeper said.
Today is Thanksgiving Day, on this day I want to thank all the person who gives me help, who cares for me, who enters my life and makes it more colourful.
Today is Thanksgiving Day, on this day I want to thank all the person who gives me help, who cares for me, who enters my life and makes it more colourful.