The company has been making noises about closing several factories.
The company has been targeted by animal rights groups for its use of dogs in drugs trials.
The company has been committed to providing customers with high-quality measuring instruments and cutting tools.
The company has been trying to strengthen its foothold in Asia for some time.
The company has been modestly profitable for much of the time Ford has owned it.
The company has been operating there for a few years, doing several million dollars of business.
More recently however the company has been expanding into new areas mainly through acquisitions.
Since rejecting Google’s overtures, the company has been on the fast track for a public offering.
But now the company has been engulfed by another, much more South African, sort of row, about race.
The company has been criticized recently for how it accounts for payments to its army of freelance writers.
But when it comes to building features for social networking, the company has been much less effective.
The company has been selling air conditioners, fridges, and other household items in the U.S. since 2000.
The company has been able to use the materials because the Argonne patents only apply in the United States.
With so much growth over the past two years, the company has been forced to invest heavily in infrastructure.
The company has been under attack by shortsellers and the stock has been suspended from trading for the past week.
The company has been hurt by the weakness of the euro against the yen and said it would raise prices to compensate.
For years, the company has been a close partner with H.P., whichsells computing systems and services to corporations.
Over the years the company has been accused of using child Labour in Asia and of buying feathers plucked from live geese.
While Amazon is still fighting the New York tax law, the company has been collecting taxes in the state as per the legislation.
To enhance the value of linkedFA, the company has been aggressive in providing helpful resources on how to leverage social media.
Here is one in a series of "cool guys on white horses" ads (1956), and one highlighting that the company has been in business since 1746.
Surface is the most exciting product out of Redmond in years, but the company has been shockingly timid in pushing it into the marketplace.
Moreover, the company has been looking at drugs known to have damaging side effects and has found that its method would have predicted them.
Recently the company has been joined by a range of different search engines, which claim to outdo Google either on accuracy and speed or both.
Ingenico sa gained 7.5 percent to 28 euros after board member and shareholder Allan Green said the sale of the company has been delayed rather than blocked.
Premkumar Natarajan, BBN vice President and lead scientist for speech and language technologies, said the company has been developing TransTalk during the past six years.
BBN公司的副总裁、语音和语言技术的首席科学家Premkumar Natarajan表示,该公司开发TransTalk的工作已经进行了六年。
Premkumar Natarajan, BBN vice President and lead scientist for speech and language technologies, said the company has been developing TransTalk during the past six years.
BBN公司的副总裁、语音和语言技术的首席科学家Premkumar Natarajan表示,该公司开发TransTalk的工作已经进行了六年。