The biological contact oxidation method for treating yeast wastewater was investigated. Removals of BOD, COD and colority were more than 98%, 65% and 20%, respectively.
The biological purification tank combined of artificial wetland technique and the bio-contact oxidation method was applied for malodorous river water in central urban region of Shanghai City.
Aiming at the complexity and poor biochemical degradability of petrochemical wastewater, the effect of tourmaline on bio-contact oxidation method was investigated.
The results show that under the same hydraulic retention time, the intensive adsorption hydrolization contact oxidation method is higher treating efficiency and potential.
On the foundation of comparing other biology disposal method used in the section, we choose the bio contact oxidation method to dispose the civilization sewage and we also design the experiment.
In this paper, the stable bed with Biological contact Oxidation method is used to test the Nitrifying Characteristics of city domestic wastewater. The effect caused by contact time is also tested.
In this paper, the stable bed with Biological contact Oxidation method is used to test the Nitrifying Characteristics of city domestic wastewater. The effect caused by contact time is also tested.