See for a discussion of this in the context of use of the various notations of UML.
This illustration also shows the steps recommended by RUP within the context of Use Case Analysis.
The notes also list the three factors that influence user experience: system, user and the context of use.
This guide provides a systematic method for describing the context of use, so that testing may be done under similar context.
Thus the design of embedded systems must match very closely the context of use. For handhelds, this context concerns how and where the device is physically handled.
You also create the canvas context object, as this is the object you use to do all of the actual drawing.
Instead, a storyboard can be thought of as an instantiation of a use case flow: they illustrate this flow in the context of the persona that you have identified.
Data quality analysis quantifies the characteristics of operational data in the context of its intended use.
However, this approach is widely applicable outside of the context of RMC: You could use it to write a method book, for instance.
The use of multi-value context variables is limited to one per staff query element.
I could use that information to support a decision in the context of my own business.
Given that many applications already use JMS, and given that the services within an SOA need a way to do messaging, it makes perfect sense to use JMS in the context of an ESB.
充分考虑到很多应用程序已经在使用JMS了,而soa内的服务又需要一种进行消息传递的方式,这样就能很好地理解jms在es b上下文中所扮演的角色。
The top one is the context of the merchant owning the shopping functionality represented by the Purchase Product use case.
Use assignment context, as in the simple scheme, and also use the type of constructor arguments (call this complex).
These use case realizations model how the parts of the system interact within the context of a specific use case.
Automated reference correction resulting from the use of refactorings, context actions or quick-fixes also covers both major languages whenever possible.
Using a context ID demonstrated how the use of a context relationship can affect performance.
Besides naming the object, the function tells dacscheck that it's running within a CGI context and should use the value of REMOTE_USER as the identity of the user making the request.
References section at the end of my article lists some of the many books and papers that describe how to use JUnit in the context of TFP.
参考资料中列出了一些讲述如何在 TFP的环境下使用JUnit的书籍和论文。
The bottom one is the context of Simpay owning the payment functionality represented by the Request payment use case. 7.
Use the context menu of the export component to generate a SOAP/HTTP Web service binding.
Ensure that the user ID or PUBLIC is defined in the WITH use FOR clause of the trusted context.
The Web application context can be used later to access beans securely. Listing 1, below, shows the use of Web application context in a JSF page
DSL with the wrong context, mixing the levels of abstractions (for example, mixing use cases and user interface details).
The above discussion shows that use of the term "service" without context and qualification can be confusing and even counterproductive.
上面的讨论表明,如果没有上下文和限定,使用术语 “服务”可能会引起混淆,甚至导致误解。
If you run a script that sets variables or contains functions, subsequent scripts executed within the same context can use the variables and functions of the previous scripts.
Your translation testers are aware of the relative negative impact of a translation defect in the context of their culture; use them to help prioritize reported problems.
This is not a full-blown code review; rather, a code review in the context of a migration assessment is generally concerned only with discovering the use of non-J2EE compliant code.
Use the context menu, or restart icon, of the defined server to restart it.
For the Context diagram, drag all of the Use Cases and Actors from the appropriate packages, and create a logical grouping (represent the scope) by putting them in the square box, as Figure 19 shows.