There are two methods of accounting for investments in stock: (1) the cost method and (2) the equity method.
Though concluding and analyzing related theories and methods, this thesis chooses the market price method and the cost method as the essential means.
For an investment real estate that has been measured through the fair value pattern, the pattern of its measurement shall not be changed from the fair value pattern to the cost method.
This essay discusses the skills in long-term stock ownership investment accounting under the cost method as well as giving an account of the formulae for calculation of the investment income.
If the method works, it could provide farmers in Botswana—and elsewhere—with a low-cost, sustainable tool to protect their livestock, and a way to keep lions safe from being killed.
The optimizer will compare the cost of each method to determine the best one to use.
These so-called surface deliveries have been the crucial method by which booksellers have sold books to foreign markets because the cost is about one-third that of air mail.
It compares the cost of a synchronized method call to an equivalent unsynchronized one in several different cases and on several different platforms and JVMs.
Technical or productive efficiency looks at the "how we produce" question and refers to the least cost method, that is the least use of our resources.
Having the ability to share memory among systems will help to reduce cost and provide a more efficient method of deploying memory.
Various industrial methods are used to extract magnesium, ranging from an electrolytic process to a high temperature method called the Pidgeon process, but the energy cost is high.
As more advanced JVMs have emerged, the cost of synchronization has decreased, but there is still a performance penalty for entering and leaving a synchronized method or block.
The company is targeting cell efficiencies over 42 percent using a low-cost manufacturing method.
Therefore, when deciding which join method to choose, the optimizer balances the sort cost and the performance benefit for the inner table scan to drive the decision.
The lowest cost method of outsourcing that kind of activity where search engine optimization is concerned, would be to hire a consultant or agency to do an audit.
It analysis the feasibility of this method with the improvement of flow efficiency and the diversification flow cost.
An order from one of WidgetCo's customers is implemented as a list of Widget objects, with one extra method to compute the order's total cost.
来自Widget Co客户之一的订单会作为一个Widget对象列表来实现,并使用一个额外的方法来计算订单的总成本,即。
The company is targeting cell efficiencies over 42 percent using a low-cost manufacturing method. DOE News Release
However, because the method is synchronized, you pay the cost of synchronization for every invocation of the method, even though it is only required on the first invocation.
The Boolean parameter feelingUnlucky controls whether the method pays the cost of a two round-trip update sequence or gambles on the one-or-three round-trip update sequence.
Using this theory, the cost controlling method of drilling and completion projects can be regulated so as to reduce the project cost and make work and management more efficiency.
The most accurate method to determine the behavior pattern of a mixed cost is least-squares regression.
High viscosity paste should not use spray drying method, and the cost of this method is high, generally use.
You can scan your portlet service methods for any code that is executed in the same manner on every request and move it to the init method to reduce the run time cost for the service methods.
The cost is high and the error is big in volumetric flow measurement method and velocity measurement.
New century, the strategic cost becomes the inexorable trend of management of contemporary cost, the value chain is analysed to be the management most basic method of the cost.
Provisions of company economic measure the effectiveness of the quality management system and method, ensure the quality cost analysis to improve quality, and to improve economic benefit.
In contrast, under the perpetual inventory method of accounting for merchandise inventory and the cost of merchandise sold accounts.
In contrast, under the perpetual inventory method of accounting for merchandise inventory and the cost of merchandise sold accounts.