MARTIN: So, in the couple of minutes that we have left, I'd like to ask each of you: What words of wisdom do you have for people who may be living with such secrets now?
Sometimes if I'm in the middle of a sentence or the middle of a derivation, I may have to go over by a couple of minutes.
Many admissions officers say they spend less than a couple of minutes on each application, including the essay.
Popping food into the microwave for a couple of minutes may seem utterly harmless, but Europe's stock of these quick-cooking ovens emit as much carbon as nearly 7 million cars, a new study has found.
Within a couple of minutes, all balloons reached the hands of the respective engineers.
He clearly didn't want me to leave him, but I felt so lost and uncomfortable that I had to leave the room after only a couple of minutes.
The hologram fades away naturally after a couple of seconds or minutes, or it can be erased by recording a new 3d image and storing it on the screen.
After a couple minutes allow yourself to vision your most favorite place, is it a warm white sandy beach, is the top of your favorite mountain retreat.
Some days I need to close my door and faint for a couple of minutes to set things right, a habit I’ve been pursuing since I was new to the corporation.
In most cases, however, the message will probably take anywhere from a couple of minutes (majority of the time) to a couple of days (in which case there is usually a problem).
In a couple of minutes there was a great noise of sticks and broken glass, and after that our landlord came to find out who was to pay for the hall-lamp.
After a couple of minutes my vision cleared, and the movement of my left eye seemed to return to normal.
The initial taste isn't that hot but now, a couple of minutes later, I feel a bit floaty and light-headed.
After only a couple of minutes with the device, I realized a few things.
Wait a couple of minutes, and then refresh the status of the clusters. Wait until all three servers are up and running.
Even the college canteen will charge a couple of pounds for something you can make yourself in a matter of minutes.
Wait a couple of minutes, and then refresh the status of the clusters. Wait until all three clusters are up and running.
After a couple of minutes the instructor calls a halt. "You can't do it in buzzwords," he says.
The doctor looks her over for a couple of minutes, then calmly says: "Well, I can tell you that there ain't nothing wrong with your eyesight..."
We were then able to give him feedback within in a couple of minutes saying 'Senator Obama, 60 percent of the people that were watching liked your answer.
The comedian in this clip isn’t that funny, and for the first couple minutes of this video, you’ll wonder why the three audience members called up on stage are all laughing.
After a couple of minutes, I casually put out my hand, took the last biscuit and glanced at the man.
Cook over a medium heat for a couple of minutes, until the garlic is golden, then add the soy mixture.
She went into the bedroom and, after a couple of minutes, she came out carrying a huge birthday cake...
One week, though, he was late and entered the adjustment just a couple of minutes before the stores opened.
When you've chosen what looks like the best solution, take another couple of minutes to think it through.
Now, finally before I finish, I want to take a couple of minutes to discuss the role of Satanism in rock music.
For instance, at a very low level, in my case, I find it very easy to be friendly with people I talk with for a couple of minutes in the bus or in the street.
OK, I want to spend the last few minutes just showing you a couple of other things that we can do in here.
OK, I want to spend the last few minutes just showing you a couple of other things that we can do in here.