Now, it is forecasting a 350 billion yen net loss for the current fiscal year, ending March 31.
The central bank has projected a decline of 1.5% for the current fiscal year and 1% for the next.
The United States pledged to take in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees in the current fiscal year.
In coming days, the U. S. Senate is expected to pass a spending bill for the remainder of the current fiscal year.
Most of the country’s largest states are forecasting revenue increases from the current fiscal year to fiscal 2011.
The BOJ said the economy will likely contract 3.1% during the current fiscal year, before expanding 1.2% in the following year.
The United States says it will conduct about 140 joint military security exercises with Indonesia during the current fiscal year.
Mr Obama’s budget proposal projects that the deficit will fall from a post-war record 11% of GDP in the current fiscal year to 3.1% by 2021.
India aims to add 10,000 megawatts of power generation capacity to its grid in the current fiscal year which runs until the end of this month.
Blue chip companies Sony, Panasonic, Toyota and Nissan all reported losses in May, and most are forecasting the same for the current fiscal year.
Republicans in the House of Representatives, not content to wait, have committed to chopping $61 billion from planned spending in the current fiscal year.
India's economy expanded 7.7% from a year earlier in the first half of the current fiscal year, slowing sharply form an average 8.8% growth in past four years.
Over half of the 50 states are forecast to end the current fiscal year with more money than expected, thanks to fatter tax collections as the economy recovers.
Forty states forecast having an increase in tax receipts in the current fiscal year, according to a forthcoming report by the National Conference of state Legislatures.
Toyota, established in 1937, said it expects to book a net profit for the current fiscal year of 50 billion yen, helped by interest income and dividend from affiliates.
Flipping through a sheaf of data, Mr Evans points out that in 2007 the tax on petroleum made up 10% of the state’s total tax collection; for the current fiscal year it will be around 4%.
The company, which cut about 5 percent of its work force last year to keep a lid on costs, slightly lowered its operating expense target for the current fiscal year, which started on July 1.
Under current rules, Brazil's minimum wage will rise by 7.5% in real terms next year—at huge fiscal cost, since pension payments are linked to the minimum wage.
Under current rules, Brazil’s minimum wage will rise by 7.5% in real terms next year—at huge fiscal cost, since pension payments are linked to the minimum wage.
在现行规则下,巴西明年的实际最低工资将上涨7.5%。 这是以巨大的财政代价换来的,因为养老金与最低工资相关联。
The agency would seek an annual budget of 278.6 billion yen ($2.38 billion) for the next fiscal year, up 7.4 percent from the current year, he said.
If the indicator Within current fiscal year is set, the number of periods that you enter here is limited to the fiscal year.
Toyota itself has factored in a recall cost of 180 billion yen for the fiscal year ending March 31, the only public estimates the company has given of the toll from the current firestorm.
Toyota itself has factored in a recall cost of 180 billion yen for the fiscal year ending March 31, the only public estimates the company has given of the toll from the current firestorm.