Both Quanta and Foxconn have heavily invested in making sure they are at the cutting edge.
The couple run a toy company, working at the cutting edge of robot technology for 30 years.
It's a new digital age in information services, and academic libraries are on the cutting edge.
America is routinely at the cutting edge of Internet technology, but other countries are catching up.
Like any sensible scientist working at the cutting edge, he acknowledged there was some way to go.
It is no great surprise that the research stars of a decade ago are no longer at the cutting edge.
Bolton, who is black, is proud to run "a school with 90% black enrollment that is on the cutting edge."
Evazan returned to hide out in Mos Eisley, eventually opening up a shop called the Cutting Edge Clinic.
Success belongs to those on the cutting edge, who can dream up ideas and solutions and make things happen.
While these numbers don't suggest that JDO is a bad technology, they do suggest it's still on the cutting edge.
Those at the cutting edge of Agile practice and Agile coaching are pushing Scrum out beyond software development.
Operations are stupid and don't understand the new hotness - why can't they implement the cutting edge technology?
They are always on the cutting edge of providing new ways of helping mobile device developers build great applications.
I find it astounding, because fashion is supposed to be about change - I mean, we're supposed to be at the cutting edge!
Young people are traditionally at the cutting edge, and today's youth have more information than any previous generation.
So part of the goal of this visit is to learn what are the cutting edge problems that China would like us to help work on.
As for Scientific American, we've got a series of articles planned that will explore the cutting edge of chemistry and nanotechnology.
Operations are stupid and don't understand the new hotness - why can't they implement the cutting edge technology? Why are they so backward?
Promoting computing itself as a clean technology may help those left behind to convince themselves that their field is still at the cutting edge.
Just when we were feeling a bit smug about our new dual-core lappies, along comes Intel to remind us that you're never on the cutting edge for long.
就在我们抱着刚买的双核心笔电洋洋自得的同时,Intel 仍然不忘提醒我们一下双核心已经不是最尖端科技了。
We are trying to be on the cutting edge and we adopt our plans depending on the trends and users needs, so if you want something done — just let us know!
我们一直努力保持在技术的最前沿,并且根据业界的发展趋势和用户需要制定计划,所以,如果你需要什么功能的话 -告诉我们吧!
"Mathematically, it's not even clear what the right questions to ask are," Erik says of the curved creases, which are at the cutting edge of folding research.
As the game entered its final stage Uruguay seemed content to hold onto their slender advantage, and Mexico couldn't find the cutting edge to break them down.
"Everyone has been focusing on the cutting edge and trendy things and the older generation have been left behind, " said Wayne Cooper, simplicITy project manager.
“简易”电脑的项目经理韦恩·库珀(Wayne Cooper)说:“人人都在关注最先进的时髦事物,老年人常常被忽略了。”
The feeling among the judges, Portillo said, was that "here was a book on the cutting edge, dealing with a different aspect of India, unfamiliar perhaps to many readers.
As the Semantic web continues to emerge, webmasters who adopt RDF Site Syndication will find themselves already on the cutting edge of the latest and greatest technology.
随着SemanticWeb不断涌现,那些采用RDF SiteSyndication (RDF站点聚合)技术的网络管理员将发现自己置身于最新的、最先进的技术的最前沿。
As a leader in the Software and Systems delivery space, we know our customers expect our people to be on the cutting edge, not only with our tools, but with processes and methods.
作为Soft ware和Systems交付空间的一位领导者,我们知道我们的客户希望我们的工作人员是处于最前端的,除了工具之外,我们的过程和方法都要是最先进的。
As a leader in the Software and Systems delivery space, we know our customers expect our people to be on the cutting edge, not only with our tools, but with processes and methods.
作为Soft ware和Systems交付空间的一位领导者,我们知道我们的客户希望我们的工作人员是处于最前端的,除了工具之外,我们的过程和方法都要是最先进的。