When you only focus on a big goal someday, it's easy to get burned out by the daily grind.
Social media can certainly be an escape from the daily grind, but we must be cautioned against the negative effects, such as addiction, on a person's overall psychological well-being.
Desk jobs, fast food and the daily grind are taking their toll, says Public Health England.
But cats aren't just a source for endless entertainment; they also have a lot to teach us about the daily grind.
The daily grind at the lab was made worse by the fact that he no longer had any interest in medicine as a career;
The daily grind was too much for him; the novelty wore off; his only pleasures were found outside of working hours.
Sometimes, when the daily grind is too grueling, it's hard to take your mind off work and transition to weekend mode.
This person returned to the daily grind of a nine to five job always cynical, always jealous of those who had succeeded.
Sadly, with the daily grind of hardware issues and application problems, support personnel can be run ragged trying to keep up.
Nor does it offer Japanese people much cause for optimism that the daily grind of hard work and modest pay will get any better.
Their 38-year-old mother Rachel, a marketing consultant, explained why the family decided to take a year off from the daily grind.
他们38 岁的妈妈瑞秋,是市场行销顾问,她解释为什麽全家决定从每天例行苦差事中休假一年。
The problem with the second option is that if you don’t wake up early, you again end up in the daily grind where you may not get focus.
The risk is highest in the first few years of marriage when the dream of life together gives way to the daily grind, the study showed.
To put this in perspective, he could spend in 13 minutes what a minimum-wage earner brings home after an entire year of the daily grind.
The bad news surfaced the day before. Steve Jobs, the firm’s iconic boss, is to quit the daily grind, at least for a while, to focus on his health.
而头天坏消息便迎面而来,公司的"形象代言人"Steve Jobs,在未来的一段时间里不再参与公司的日常工作,而全力“专注于个人健康问题”。
But more than seven in 10 of us don't mind the daily grind and are actually pretty happy at work, according to the results of an annual survey.
He added that men who are stuck in the daily grind look at their colleagues who are at home with their family and think: 'Dude, you're a kept man.
Glossy magazine success stories often don't show the dark moments, the daily grind or flagging energy that super-achievers endure to realize their goals.
Weighed down by the daily grind of working in the office and frustrated because I wasn't the singing superstar I'd hoped to be, I headed down another dark road.
Most career advice you receive focuses on the big picture: how to get ahead, how to “win, ” and such things that are on a much larger scale than the daily grind that most of us face.
Through the 1950s and '60's, the daily grind of live studio broadcasting still dominated the orchestra's schedule, and there was little time in its schedule for public performances.
With the unemployment rate nationally still hovering around 9 percent, many people are grateful simply to get a paycheck -- but gratitude doesn't take the stress out of the daily grind.
For an enterprise, OA (Office Automation) is an aggregate of all information transacting and managements except the control of production. It can lighten, optimize or substitute the daily grind.
Reflective happiness isn't something you think about every day, but it can help buffer you against the stress of your daily grind.
Instead, they can use the new underground station at Triangeln, cutting a transfer to a bus or cab out of their daily grind.
Just as the financial crisis has morphed into a daily grind instead of a daily fire drill, its peculiar argot has found its way into everyday conversations.
Just as the financial crisis has morphed into a daily grind instead of a daily fire drill, its peculiar argot has found its way into everyday conversations.