In order to reverse the alarming decline of shark populations, a global movement is needed, and Taiwan has helped set the stage for such a movement to occur.
That is about the same drop as at a similar stage in the economic downturn of the early 1980s, and a bit less than the 1.5% decline in the early 1990s.
The fourth stage, Yan culture decline phase, including the Ninth Yan culture, age is equivalent to the late Warring States period.
Also, the standard of the Euros may decline for another reason: Some teams that are in third place in their starting groups can progress to the knockout stage of the competition.
The results showed that yeast increased quickly at initial stage, along with the fermentation, then it will decline, finally the fermentation activity became zero.
For no matter what efforts South Korea makes on the global stage, it is still a shrimp among whales in its own region, and even there the power of its American godfather may decline in relative terms.
There was a dynamic change of K content in root, leave and stem, they were on the decline in the whole stage.
Your uncle, I am sorry to say, is now on a sick bed; from which, considering the nature of his disease — decline — and the stage it has reached, it is unlikely he will ever rise.
For the convenience of policy decision in the initial stage of development, the method of determining the FWG3 decline development model is proposed.
In the initial stage of oilfield development, water cut is high with great escalating rate, which results in the oil production decline by a big margin.
And in the final stage, the industrial cluster is not necessarily going to decline, maybe there are three outcomes, namely, upgrading, transfer and decay.
China Golf Association reserves its right to require or request certification from all players and decline any entry request at any stage of the tournament.
China economic has rapidly shake off the decline and went into the stage of consolidate and recovery.
The French have great pride in their language, and are somewhat resentful of its decline on the world stage.
法国人对自己的语言感到无比自豪,对它在世界舞台上的没落有些心怀不满。 他们不喜欢在自己的祖国使用另一种语言。
The use potassium as base stage fertilizing can increase the starch content but glutenin and zein contents decline.
The use potassium as base stage fertilizing can increase the starch content but glutenin and zein contents decline.