In the author's opinion, this poem opened up a panorama first from the paean for human childhood, then to the middle-age meditation and inquiry, and finally to the loneliness in the declining years.
These could reflect the declining weight of the human skeleton that seems to have accompanied the switch to settled life, which started some 15,000 years ago.
One of the great puzzles of the past 30 years has been the way that men, as a group, have responded to the declining market for blue-collar jobs.
After declining for six years the number of poor people has increased sharply.
This increase in Internet bookings comes at the expense of the GDS and Voice Channels, both of which have been declining for many years now.
Pokhriyal plans to build 10 more DAMS over the next few years to fund his vision, but there may not be enough water in the area's rivers to fill them: water levels are declining across the state.
The trend over the last 15 years has been for the poorest quintile of the population in many countries to have a declining share in national consumption.
Taylor said the four key issues about oil – declining output, declining discoveries, increasing demand and insufficient projects in the pipeline – have been apparent for many years.
Worse, in the last 15 years, the poorest quintile in many low-income countries have shown a declining share in national consumption.
For all of 2009 output declined by 2.4%, but for Americans weary from two years of declining employment, the fourth-quarter figure offers a clear signal that the worst is over.
The authors of the report encouraged increased investment in agriculture research and outreach programs in the least developed countries after years of declining support.
She spent the next four years in Europe, returning in late 1880 to Springfield, where she remained in declining health until her death in 1882.
Wind turbine rates have dropped to 7 cents from 10 cents over the last couple of years because of fierce competition and declining turbine costs.
Water voles are declining, but brown hare and polecat populations are rising. Greater and lesser horseshoe bat populations have risen 32% and 41% respectively over the past 10 years.
In fact, industry revenues have been declining for the past 10 years.
Of the circa 6,000 US Banks, a major percentage will fail in the next few years due to rapidly declining asset values. This will also be the case for many of the major international Banks.
Output shrank for the fifth straight month in July, according to figures released on September 9th-the longest declining stretch in seven years.
These could reflect the declining weight of the human skeleton that seems to have accompanied the switch to settled life, which started some 15, 000 years ago.
The viewership for live television broadcasts has generally been declining for years.
本文说的社交电视是我们相信的十大新兴科技展望之一。 电视直播节目的收视率多年来普遍下降。
But in recent years, TV cartoons have been declining in viewership. This is largely due to the fact most Chinese cartoons are targeted only at children.
In Europe, 34 per cent of the population is predicted to be above 60 in the next 35 years because of the declining fertility rate and increase in longevity.
The worldwide rate of TB infection has been declining for several years.
The long-term trend of declining crime rates continued over the past eight years, although a number of large cities have seen a recent uptick in their murder rates.
The long-term trend of declining crime rates continued over the past eight years, although a number of large cities have seen a recent uptick in their murder rates.