The Deutsche Bank Building was damaged in the 911 attacks and is being demolished.
According to analysts at Deutsche Bank, giving the fund sufficient firepower to help Italy would raise France's contingent liability to almost 13% of GDP.
But three large investment Banks the Banker mentioned last year for their high proportion of market-risk-weighted assets - UBS, Deutsche bank and Credit Suisse - are also on this list.
Some banks have started to sell tail-risk products. Deutsche Bank has created the ELVIS index, which generates returns when stockmarket volatility increases.
The German Banks, even Deutsche bank, look particularly thinly capitalised when the test disclosures are used to calculate a simple leverage ratio of capital to total assets.
Among the firms that comfortably beat analysts’ forecasts were Deutsche Bank, UBS and BNP Paribas, the biggest banks in Germany, Switzerland and France respectively.
The two small rights issues it undertook, totalling nearly Euro 3 billion, were to fund its purchase of a minority shareholding in Deutsche Postbank, a large German retail bank.
Deutsche Bank analyst Tom Ernst says the market for packaged software has already peaked.
In Asia, the combined issuance of corporate loans, bonds and equity is now almost double the 2007 credit bubble peak, according to Deutsche Bank.
德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)表示,亚洲目前企业贷款的发放以及债券和股票发行额几乎达到了2007年信贷泡沫高峰期时的两倍。
Veteran analyst Rod Lache of Deutsche Bank figures that GM cut incentives by more than $1,000 in March, and its share fell to the 17% range.
德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)的老牌分析师罗德? 拉什认为,3月份,由于通用汽车砍掉了1,000多美元的单位营销激励成本,其市场份额跌到了17%左右。
In this light the cash call that Deutsche bank, Germany's biggest bank, embarked on just before the new Basel guidelines were released seems unlikely to set a trend.
Europe's largest Banks from Societe Generale SA to Barclays Plc and Deutsche bank AG are expected to come through the tests without needing to raise additional capital, according to analysts.
Deutsche Bank added to the general unease after it abandoned its pre-tax profit target for the year and forecast that its third quarter would be "significantly below expectations".
After one of its analysts predicted two years ago that a slump was coming, Deutsche Bank piled into derivatives contracts that gain in value as the housing market sinks.
Deutsche Bank estimates that inflation in the oil business has run at 30% a year over the past two years, and will continue to rise by at least 15% a year this year and next.
据德意志银行估计,英国石油行业的通货膨胀率已经达到了30 %,超过过去两年,并且今年和明年每年将继续上升至少15 %。
One of the lenders, Deutsche bank, which had long mistrusted the subprime market, exercised its option to cancel the commitment and alerted Bafin, the German bank supervisor.
A Deutsche Bank-style extensionto 60 years would allow the veteran plants to purr on beyond 2030.
Barclays Plc, Deutsche Bank AG, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Credit Suisse Group AG, Morgan Stanley and Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc are managing today’s sale, the person said.
The details of the allegation may be special to Deutsche Bank, but the story has the same general characteristics of so many schemes unearthed in the aftermath of the financial meltdown.
Even its cheapest bikes, which are sold in China, are relatively expensive (at around $100), yet Giant has the largest market share, at around 7%, according to Deutsche Bank.
As Adam Sieminski of Deutsche Bank points out, OECD inventories, with enough to cover 59 days of consumption, are relatively high compared with the historic average of 55 days.
At the most pessimistic, bearish end is a Deutsche Bank analysis late last month recommending selling Sina with a target price of $58 (Sina closed at $79.25 yesterday on Nasdaq).
For the past six years Deutsche Bank has been the world's largest currency trader: it now conducts almost one in five of the world's foreign-exchange trades.
On June 20th Merrill began hawking some of the funds' assets to other hedge funds, while other creditors, such as JP Morgan Chase and Deutsche Bank, worked with Bear to unwind their positions.
By the end of the first quarter 14m American households (27% of mortgage-holders) owed more than their homes were worth, according to estimates by Deutsche Bank.
WHEN Deutsche Bank bought MortgageIT in January 2007, an executive purred that the American lender would help to provide “a steady source of product for distribution into mortgage capital markets.”
Deutsche bank, Germany's largest lender, advanced 2 percent to 42.28 euros, leading a gauge of bank shares to the biggest gain among 19 industry groups in the Stoxx 600.
德国最大的银行德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)股价上涨2%,至42.28欧元,在银行个股中涨幅居前,创下斯托克600指数19个行业板块中最大涨幅。
Never one to miss a trick, Deutsche Bank last month said that it too had started to use the less stringent rules, which allowed it to avoid write-downs of about Euro845m in the third quarter.
Never one to miss a trick, Deutsche Bank last month said that it too had started to use the less stringent rules, which allowed it to avoid write-downs of about Euro845m in the third quarter.