The policeman evaded all the difficult questions.
She managed to dodge all the difficult questions by changing the subjects.
You don't want to show your strength in public, but always answer the difficult questions in the class.
If you want to get the job, you must be ready for the interview so that you can deal with the difficult questions.
Until we meet him and ask him the difficult questions - how is he going to finance it, what are his long term and short-term plans?
A paper in all the difficult questions at all difficult questions, as well as the proportion of the final decision will be a difficult test.
It does, however, promise some solid answers to the difficult questions of how to implement transactions in a distributed Web services environment.
The difficult questions of the key parts on stripper cooler manufacturing are discussed. Technology improvement is put forward and solution measures are taken.
Like Leo Tolstoy, the famous Russian writer, many people ask these difficult questions.
That such mobility has become more difficult in San Jose raises questions about the endurance of that foundational belief.
On average, students have to spend 3 hours finishing homework every day, but if we are stuck by difficult questions, the time will be extended.
Even the most difficult questions, the old woman was able to answer them.
The business of trying to be good is confronting executives with difficult questions. Can you measure CSR performance?
There is a long road ahead, and soon we will have to address the truly difficult questions - not questions of what we do not want, but about what we do want.
In most cases, the systems provide only partial answers to users' questions, make it difficult for users to identify relevant information, and typically require it assistance for user access.
The rule is that the person onstage can refuse to answer any question. By its design, people are encouraged to ask difficult and uncomfortable questions.
These can be difficult and awkward questions to ask, but will save you great heartache and misunderstanding down the line.
The examiner asked me a lot of difficult questions.
Freud's — Freud was very focused on the family life of the people he interacted with, which is rather upper class Europeans, and these sort of questions would have been difficult for Freud to answer.
These are the questions that are asked by what's called hermeneutics, a difficult word that we will be taking up next week.
The MEF has, ironically, turned out to be a good forum for tackling difficult questions.
The software also alerts them if difficult questions are being answered suspiciously quickly, or if two test-takers' answers match too closely for comfort.
It also appears difficult to get help in using Quick: Questions often do not receive any responses on the forum and mailing list.
Interviewers often ask questions about how you dealt with difficult situations in the past. You've probably prepared an answer, but does it display the qualities the interviewer is looking for?
But Zonana said the ruling and other similar cases before the Supreme Court have served to raise further difficult questions: Does someone need to understand death to be executed?
Town Hall Meetings where community members have the opportunity to voice opinions and ask leaders probing and difficult questions.
The next time you are faced with a difficult or complex decision, review these three questions before seeking advice.
The next time you are faced with a difficult or complex decision, review these three questions before seeking advice.