In the WTO these disagreements are settled by the Dispute Settlement Body.
It's due to the dispute settlement body that makes it possible to settle the anti-dumping dispute on a multi-lateral basis.
Since both sides believed that they were on the right side and made no compromise, they finally resorted to the Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO (DSB).
WTO and its trade dispute settlement body, have support powerful legal safeguard mechanism which for maintain international economic order and solve international trade dispute in the world.
In the WTO dispute settlement mechanism, Panel reports and Appellate Body reports are all adopted by and published in the name of DSB.
'We... look forward to defending our rights and interests before the panel,' the Chinese delegation said at a meeting of the WTO's Dispute Settlement Body.
If the Contracting Parties fail to reach a settlement by negotiation, they may agree to refer the dispute for decision to some person or body for mediation.
Moreover, any disagreements that emerge over China's implementation of its commitments can be brought before the WTO's Dispute Settlement Body for adjudication and enforcement.
The case started in 2006 when the Philippines filed its complaint before the WTO Dispute Settlement body against Thailand.
The case started in 2006 when the Philippines filed its complaint before the WTO Dispute Settlement body against Thailand.