This report will provide extensive new epidemiological and economic data about the costs of chronic disease and the need for urgent action to turn back this growing global threat.
The report adds that Gender Action Plan grants have been successful in leveraging additional financial resources for work on women's economic empowerment.
The economic weakness that justifies action today also makes it unlikely that prices will suddenly surge.
To put matters right it has released a “Gender Action Plan”, which calls for better data and a harder push for World Bank schemes that seek to move women into the economic mainstream.
That growth comes on the heels of the Bank’s launch of a four-year $60 million Gender Action Plan, which began implementation in January 2007 to improve gender coverage in the economic arena.
In the absence of urgent action, the rising financial and economic costs of these diseases will reach levels that are beyond the coping capacity of even the wealthiest countries in the world.
The quick, unprecedented and coordinated action taken by Asia Pacific nations and others has averted economic catastrophe, and helped us to begin to emerge from the worst recession in generations.
Now that we are on the way to economic recovery we cannot allow any section of the community to rock the boat by unreasonable demands or irresponsible action.
Despite the compelling moral and economic case for action on sanitation, progress has been too little and too slow.
The correlation and path action among economic characters to grain yield for 11 mainly promoted hybrid rice in Guangdong were analyzed .
The fictional economy is a special economic running action based on the fictional capital and financial system.
The inverse choice is inefficient action which is harmful to the reputation of the institution and the order of the market economic.
Once everyone have the sence of low-carbon economic and have the action by themselves, it will be earlier to reach it.
The economic analysis of investigative action is theoretically, realistically significant because it is a kind of unusual resource.
The article presents emphatically the action of economic cooperation and development in this area of Yunnan province, China.
With the expansion of major hub cities' hinterlands and spatial service scopes, sequentially it wi ll bring strong guidance to relocate economic action.
In the dynamic pricing, on the basis of spider web model, we study the dynamic pricing mechanism of demand directing industrial chain and reveal the dynamic economic action.
Therefore, the"Economic Person"should constantly enhance his cognitive competence so as to improve his action.
The law can establish the action space of the positive country and restrain national economic power.
The action about intellectual property protection is not only one legal problem, but also one deep economic problem.
According to economics, the purpose of the economic person's behavior is to pursue his biggest profits. It simply belongs to the individual action and has nothing with his social connections.
Improving consumption environment will be current demand of becoming, promote important action of economic growth the public potential demand in automobile to become.
Economists tend to look at the historical record from the standpoint of group action and especially the impact of economic forces.
Commons' economic analysis of law embodies in the theory of collective action, harmonious interest etc.
This thesis researches its opponent, aim, vocational role and language context, to illuminate that the linguistic adaptation theory is the essential requirement of this cultural and economic action.
This thesis researches its opponent, aim, vocational role and language context, to illuminate that the linguistic adaptation theory is the essential requirement of this cultural and economic action.