The ice-breakers that follow will help you get through the embarrassing moments when you find yourself in front of people from different cultures
We went inside the team's dressing room moments after one of the most embarrassing defeats in their history.
Substitutions of one gesture for the other often create not only humorous but also embarrassing moments.
Recall several of the most embarrassing moments in your life. Then find the humor in them.
Chandler spends time with Mr. Geller, and keeps having embarrassing moments at the gym.
One friend who had a circumcision when he was 19, on medical advice, says that before the cut he used to "explode in a geyser of blood", often at the most embarrassing moments.
Executives at 1,000 big U.S. companies, plus 100 in Canada recalled the most embarrassing or bizarre interview moments they had witnessed or heard of. A sampling of their answers.
Executives at 1, 000 big U.S. companies, plus 100 in Canada recalled the most embarrassing or bizarre interview moments they had witnessed or heard of. A sampling of their answers.
Rita: it was also one of the most embarrassing moments I've ever had.
One or two--especially those which, at the moment, seem too personal or bad or embarrassing--become, after a moments focusing, an intimate and personal expression of present interaction.
Life in the US is full of embarrassing moments. And sometimes I think I have been through all of them.
Executives at 1,000 big U. S. companies, plus 100 in Canada recalled the most embarrassing or bizarre interview moments they had witnessed or heard of.
Executives at 1,000 big U. S. companies, plus 100 in Canada recalled the most embarrassing or bizarre interview moments they had witnessed or heard of.