The Energy Department plans to solidify the deadly waste in a high-tech billion-dollar factory.
According to a 2009 report by the Energy Department, 43 of the 61 significant Arctic oil and gas fields are in Russia.
Stephanie Mueller, the energy department press secretary, said the department was committed to supporting renewable energy.
Trying to recover, the Energy Department is trying to cut a deal with a utility that is already planning a new power plant.
But without enforcement of the Clean Power Plan looming on the horizon, that trend could reverse, the Energy Department said.
In a 2005 energy law, Congress gave the energy Department the authority to step in to approve transmission if states refused to act.
Stockpiles rose 2.02 million barrels to 365.1 million in the week ended June 18, the Energy Department said today in a weekly report.
"The 60-watt lamp is the most-sold bulb in America," said James R. Brodrick, the manager for solid-state lighting at the Energy Department.
“60瓦灯泡是美国销量最大原白炽灯泡,”联邦能源部固态照明主任詹姆斯·r·布罗德里克(James r .Brodrick)说。
Officials with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Energy Department say they don't expect harmful radiation levels to reach the U. s.
On the other hand, according to the energy department in 2002 the investigation report, countries the air compressor load rate almost can not be more than 90%.
The Energy Department said this week that petroleum demand has grown for four straight weeks, resulting in unexpected drops in the nation's oil and gasoline supplies last week.
The Energy Department awarded $967 million in loan aid to an NRG Energy subsidy to help pay for the world's biggest solar plant using photovoltaic panels at the Agua Caliente plant in Arizona.
The U.S. Department of Energy recently proposed putting $1 billion into a new $2.4 billion coal-burning energy plant.
The company won a grant from America's Department of Energy to run simulations on Jaguar, a Cray XT-5 supercomputer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
公司得到美国能源部许可,在橡树岭国家实验室使用克雷 XT-5超级计算机捷豹进行模拟实验。
The stated policy of the Department of Energy (DOE) is "not to reprocess" a perfectly reusable byproduct — and all for absolutely no good reason.
The department saves energy by offering amnesties to wrongdoers who grass on their accomplices.
So warns a detailed report to be released on Wednesday morning by the United States Energy Department.
On July 27th, as part of its new "annual energy statement", the Department of energy and Climate Change put some Numbers to this effect.
The researchers began with data from the US Department of Energy that quantifies the "food disappearance" rate.
With controllable cold fusion, many of the world's energy problems would melt away: no wonder the us Department of energy is interested.
In America the Department of Energy has set a target for 30% of the 2004 gasoline demand for vehicles to be met by biofuels by 2030.
The Defence nuclear Facilities safety Board, which watches how the Department of Energy runs its nuclear-weapons sites, is currently investigating the safety of the waste-treatment process itself.
ENN executives have talked to the US department of energy about joint research, a sign that the transfer of low-carbon technologies is no longer a one-way street from west to east.
Launching a consultation on how the smart meters should be rolled out, the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) claimed the scheme will be the biggest smart meter project in the world.
能源与气候变化部 (DECC) 召开了一次商谈应如何推广智能表的会议,并宣称该计划将是世界上最大的智能表计划。
If it succeeds, it could provide the first method of tapping a resource that may exceed the combined energy of all other fossil fuels on earth, according to the Department of energy.
In America the Department of Energy reckons that wind could provide a similar proportion of the country’s electricity by 2030.
According to a new United States energy Department report, the most important of these for clean energy is dysprosium.
According to a new United States energy Department report, the most important of these for clean energy is dysprosium.