Mom labeled the English name of almost all furniture of our home. After I remembered them, they were removed.
You must read out the English name of this plant or tree. Then learn the names of its different parts by yourselves. You can finish some exercises.
Its scientific name is flatus, but the English language has an impressive range of colorful terms to describe the explosive emission of digestive gas.
There is no equivalent practice in the English-speaking world. Bosses are not addressed by their title and surname, much less by their surname plus part of the name of their organization.
Anyway, the interviewer wondered about how the name later changed in the hurly-burly of English use and he said.
In this example, an English, French, German, and Italian version of the name is provided when adding the product.
In 1732, Franklin began the publication of an almanac under the name Richard Saunders (an English astrologer).
Its trademark is the use of italics in the oval H, H is the English name HYUNDAI Hyundai's first capital letter.
The name entered the Oxford English Dictionary after just two years and the toy is a permanent exhibit in New York's Museum of Modern Art.
The first sound of the language’s name is similar to the click that English-speakers use to urge on a horse.
And then there is the problem of spelling variants. The Chinese family name Zhou, for example, may be written by English speakers as Jhou, Joe, Chou or Chow.
the name of the reporting unit and a number of other fields, the most significant of which is the summary - an English language description of the events that are covered in the report.
Hello,Welcome to another episode of how to be English,in today my name is charles and today I going to show you the anicent english art ,that is making a cup of tea。
Paul English, co-founder and CTO of Kayak, asks recent hires to name the most talented people they know, and then Paul makes it a point to meet them in less than one week.
The Mercians were aggressive border raiders-mercia takes its name from the Old English mierce, meaning "frontier people" -which may account for the apparent range of regional styles in the hoard.
This has a “private” meaning to speakers of English and that’s where the name idiom comes from.
Do you have an English name? Yes, sir. It is Sophy. The name was given by one of my friend.
Cologne is memorialized in English, though in a hidden way, as the name of a minor luxury.
The group's new name is combination of the first letters from each member's English name.
That god's name was Vulcan hence the word volcano which appeared as an English word in 1613 in the travel writings of Samuel Purchas.
那位神的名字叫做Vulcan,于是就有了后来英语里的volcano。volcan o于1613年出现在萨缪尔·帕切斯(SamuelPurchas)的游记中。
That god's name was Vulcan hence the word volcano which appeared as an English word in 1613 in the travel writings of Samuel Purchas.
那位神的名字叫做Vulcan,于是就有了后来英语里的volcano。volcan o于1613年出现在萨缪尔·帕切斯(SamuelPurchas)的游记中。