The Second Avenue subway line will run from 125th Street to the Financial District in Lower Manhattan.
The financial district is home to the Chicago board of trade, the Chicago stock exchange and many Banks.
The financial district, normally a sleepy version of Dubai, is now moribund as Western expatriates have fled.
Citigroup and Morgan Stanley are headquartered in midtown — far from the dark downtown tunnels of the financial district.
花旗银行(Citigroup)和摩根·士丹利(Morgan Stanley)现在的总部都在曼哈顿中城,远离下城金融区那不见天日的狭窄街区。
One restaurant in the financial district has on its menu a bottle of Lafite Rothschild 2000 for 30, 800 yuan—almost $5, 000.
And families populate the neighborhood now as much as bankers, with the financial district a popular and expensive residential area.
Gray clouds billow through the streets of the financial district and shroud the 16 acres where the towers had stood just moments before.
The Wall Street bombing was a terrorist incident that occurred at 12:01 pm on September 16, 1920 in the Financial District of New York City.
Next morning, the Malaysian sun is blazing down and even at 10am, the short walk to the Petronas Towers in the financial district is hard going.
The appeal of this traditional haven for working-class immigrants is its close proximity to the financial district, allowing financiers to walk to work.
Mr Hamnett draws an analogy with a multi-tiered water fountain, with water flowing first from the financial district to smart residential neighbourhoods, then to slightly less smart areas, and so on.
To estimate the direct financial costs to the Sri Lanka Ministry of Health of treating patients after self-poisoning, particularly from pesticides, in a single district.
The 1984 Louisiana World Exposition revitalized the warehouse district but was a financial disaster.
USMC VH-60 Blackhawk flies through Toronto's financial district, hovering over Union Station at a very low altitude, between the skyscrapers at 1pm on June 23rd, 2010.
6月23日下午1点,一架美国海军陆战队的VH - 60黑鹰直升机穿越多伦多市金融区,低空悬停在摩天大楼环绕的联合车站上空。
He has won seven elections in the Chhindwara district since 1980 (his wife won another in his stead, after a financial scandal removed him from the race).
Here the chill is "transferred" to another closed loop consisting of smaller pipes that supply the towers of the city's financial district.
In London's financial district, cranes stand silent behind the hoardings of half-finished buildings.
In London's financial district, cranes stand silent behind the hoardings of half-finished buildings.