The first half hour is free but bike users have to pay for every additional 30 minutes.
I really liked the football played, especially in the first half hour of the first half.
She spent the first half hour talking in hushed tones with her neighbors, trying to determine what it meant when a fencer's helmet lit up.
It fell 11.3% in the first half hour of trading, dropping to 761.6 points following the Russian markets' worst day of trading on Monday.
The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stocks slipped 0.45to 972.89 in the first half hour, But gainers held a slim lead over losers among New York Exchange listed issues.
在开市头半个小时里,30家工业公司股价的道·琼斯平均指数下降了0.45 ~ 972.89点,但在纽约证券交易所上市的股票中,股值上升的比股值下降的略多一些。
The dow Jones industrial average fell more than 120 points in the first half hour of trading after a report showed that Germany's economy stalled last quarter and dragged down growth for Europe.
So if you're given half an hour to present, you must complete your formal presentation in the first 10 minutes and leave the remaining 20 for your audience.
New IT consultants must remember to charge 30% to 40% more than their regular onsite rate for the first half-hour or simply add a flat-rate callout fee.
In New York, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped more than 600 points in the first few minutes of trading, then briefly surged into positive territory a half-hour later, but plunged again.
United controlled the first half-hour and Dimitar Berbatov - in for the suspended Wayne Rooney - missed two golden chances in the space of seconds early on.
And if the queue depth had been set to the 5000 calculated earlier, it would have been exceeded within the first half an hour.
The mask can either be used immediately or left in the fridge for half an hour first.
The baseline priorities are set in first few minutes of the meeting and the total meeting time has dropped significantly, from an hour and a half down to 30 minutes.
I used Jersey and NetBeans for the first time, and was up and running within a half an hour, and that included downloads, installations and code surfing.
Typically, it consultancies capture them in the form of onsite service fees, inflated first-half-hour rates, or other surcharges.
一般而言,IT咨询公司会把这些列为现场服务费用、前半小时涨价率(inflated first - half - hour rates)或其他附加费。
Capital Bikeshare in Washington D.C., for example, charges a membership fee of $5 for a 24-hour period, with no charge for the first half-hour of each rental. A five-day pass is just $15.
Of the people who die from heart attacks, about half die within an hour of the first symptoms and before they reach the hospital.
Whenever we went anywhere around the bridgehead to see what could be done we had at most a half hour before the first shells arrived.
Beginning at nine thirty, for the first half-hour, Loryn works with Puja and Nitu.
Half an hour later, Harry, who couldn't believe his luck, was sitting in the back of the Dursleys' car with Piers and Dudley, on the way to the zoo for the first time in his life.
First put the ginger slice, table wine in the casserole, then placed one bowl of water , and boiled the spare-ribs in little fair for half an hour.
When I arrived half an hour before opening on the first day of the sale, there were already queues around three sides of the building.
If you don't have a microwave, put the whole bottle of etchant in a sink full of hot water for half an hour first.
He did well in the first league match and in the second one he played for half an hour.
He did well in the first league match and in the second one he played for half an hour.