The first impression is that of a keen enthusiasm for work without indication of nervous or flightly character.
In a unique appearance and gives the first impression is that reasonable quality of performance, and we often neglect this point.
What is even more interesting is that the brain takes in all the information to create that first impression in about three seconds.
It may sound like an unusual piece of advice, but it is true the first impression someone has of you when meeting you for the first time will probably influence how that person treats you or reacts to you in the future.
My first impression is that I love the tune, with some killer guitar riffs and some heavy beats, but I am not a fan of the vocals.
If the first review of a book is dreadful, an author needs at least three good ones to change that first impression.
First and foremost, they must be aware of it and keep watching to make sure that they're not propagating the impression that Big Brother is indeed scrutinizing every move.
Her face is the first thing that I see and that's the closest thing I can get to a first impression.
When I first visited the Bank of England, my biggest impression is that it has many doors and small Windows.
'we don't consciously remember a person's handshake but it is one of the first non-verbal clues we get about the person's overall personality, and that impression is what we remember.'
You may have heard that you only have a few seconds to make a first impression, but the truth is, your brain has made up its mind (so to speak) about a person within milliseconds of meeting them.
The self-confidence we had in the interview that landed us the job is slowly taken over by nerves as our first day approaches, and we worry about making a good first impression.
The first impression of the coffee shop is its unusual curved thatch roof that extended from the highway down to the riverbank.
The largest German left to the world first impression that dare to admit the past crimes, now of Germany is a peace-loving nation, the germans also peace-loving people.
A positive first impression makes users comfortable, assures them that the product is reliable and professional, and encourages people to make the product their own.
Just as what Sam Massie has recognized, maybe in many cases, the first impression of some Westerners about China is no more than rudeness, but it is actually not that simple.
This is crucial so pay attention! The first impression that you give a potential employer can make or break your chances of success within the first few minutes.
This is not to say that the home page is unimportant—it's hugely important as a first impression.
Is that right? First impression is very often the last impression. Ok, so if you have good pronunciation, you give people good impression.
Remarkable young woman, almost do not see these two lines, but if a deep ditch at first glance give the impression that the sentence - this man is not young.
The first impression that came to my mind is " Einstein", with not so gray and fluffy hair.
A foreigner's first impression of the U. S. is likely to be that everyone is in a rush-often under pressure.
That isn't far enough to completely size up the car, but it is more than adequate for a first impression .
This is crucial so pay attention! The first impression that you give a potential employer can make or break your chances of success within the first few minutes.
I know that he'll scan the headlines before he'll read my text, and if his first impression is how many ways I can help him, I've got him hooked.
The first impression that Web page gives to people comes from the vision, so determining the color of Web page is quite important.
When first studying mechanics one has the impression that everything in this branch of science is simple, fundamental and settled for all time.
Some people say that first impression is important, gives the first impression of the product from its packaging.
Some people say that first impression is important, gives the first impression of the product from its packaging.