Amazon last week announced sales of ebooks on its US site had outnumbered hardbacks for the first time, stunning casual observers, even if it had not been entirely unexpected in the trade.
There were the first signs of trouble in paradise last year, however, with prime property in certain areas in Ireland and the US showing a fall in price.
Within minutes we left the last human developments behind us, and we rolled for hours that first evening past desert scrub of acacia and gum trees and comically steepled termite hills.
Mr Rosenberg, one of the most bearish analysts on Wall Street, last week reduced his forecasts for US economic growth in the first quarter of this year to 1.8 per cent from 2.2 per cent.
Last autumn, scientists in the US published a first draft of the woolly mammoth's genome, which is thought to be about 80% complete.
The updated version of the Apple's iPad first appeared in stores across the US last Friday.
The US, for the first time since 2005, has surpassed Russia in positive ratings, with an average of 40% compared with 35% last year.
2005年以来,美国的正面支持率第一次超过俄罗斯,40%的正面评价,去年这一数据只有35%。 但是其反面评价比率仍有43%,低于2008年的47%。
For a lot of us, it's the last thing we interact with before going to sleep and the first thing we check when we wake up.
At first, the director was trying to be supported, but at last, he refused to help us because this centre belonged to France Embassy in China, so they couldn't do anything out of norm.
Defeats against Aston Villa and Fulham gave us an uncomfortable Christmas, and five defeats in the first half of the season is already one more than we had in the whole of last season.
For the first half of this year, total bilateral trade has amounted to 129.66 bn US$, increasing 17.8% than the same period of last year.
First meal for 6 of us after the Easter Break. This is the last few meals we're gonna have together.
The number of first-year Indian students enrolled at students at US graduate schools rose 20 per cent though the total enrolment of Chinese students dipped 2 per cent from last year.
Last week's announcement of the first US monthly fall in employment for four years has made a cut in interest rates from the Federal Reserve this month a virtual certainty.
The custodian has informed us the we failed the fire drill the week before last for 2 reasons: first, some of us are not moving quickly enough;
In checking our books, we find that you have purchased from us twice as much the first three months of this year as you did in the first three months of last year.
处于当前情 况下,他本身就说明是最慷慨的价格了。 经查对我们的账目发现,你们今年的头3 个月在我处所购的货物是去年同期的两倍。
Within the last few minutes, the director of the US military's Joint Staff, Vice Admiral William Gortney, has given more details about what he described as the first phase of a multi-phased operation.
过去几分钟,美军指挥官,副将格特尼(William e。Gortney)讲述了多国联合军事行动第一阶段的细节。
My first thought was of the extremely rapid construction cities like Chengdu have seen in the last decade, and how they may not be up to "code". Let us hope that doesn't play out that way…
My first thought was of the extremely rapid construction cities like Chengdu have seen in the last decade, and how they may not be up to "code". Let us hope that doesn't play out that way…