Its chances for survival are best if it turns white about the time of the first snowfall.
I speak to them about life's greatest rewards waiting in the removal of soap scum from the bathtub, which hasn't been properly cleaned since the first snowfall.
Autumn ends with the first snowfall.
From the first snowfall skiers hit the slopes.
The serious drought of Shandong province may be eased by the first snowfall on Jinan.
They belonged to that world of wonder, that world of magic, that was born with the first snowfall.
A photographer brings you these exclusive pictures of the first snowfall in Sahara Desert in 40 years.
Several years ago, the Connecticut state police were required to put chains on their tires after the first snowfall.
And a month after that, as we lay in his bed watching the first snowfall, we threw on our clothes and ran for the park to make snow angels.
This winter seems to come early, obedient under the capital city of Beijing since the first snowfall, snow is beautiful. I have been conscientious forward.
ABSTRACT: The whole China are welcoming a cold season with the first snowfall in north and a cold wave in the south. Why not drink some wines to warm you up?
Autumn snows have probably already dusted the surface of the melange of ice; snowfall and seasonal sea ice kept much of the debris frozen in place the first winter after the collapse.
A resident writes down "It snows" with a broom in Beijing Saturday as the Chinese capital embraces its first snowfall in this winter December 30, 2006.
一位市民用扫帚在地上写下“下雪了”。 2006年12月30日,中国首都北京迎来了这个冬季的首场降雪。
By the time the first Europeans arived in North America snowshoes were in common use by many of the continent's inhabitants, at least by those who lived in areas of heavy winter snowfall.
He wondered where they had learned this behavior. Even the littlest one, for whom this must have been the first real snowfall, seemed to know instinctively what to do.
And the first significant snowfall of the season came early to parts of the Great Lakes.
And the first significant snowfall of the season came early to parts of the Great Lakes.