Twenty-nine percent believed, over the five percent who opposed, that it is easier to find happiness within marriage.
The Russian ban has been held as partly responsible for the five percent increase in food prices worldwide over the last two months.
The good news is that California's San Joaquin Valley, the other region to fall under the Five Percent Plan because of particulate matter, has shown that dust-reduction measures can work.
Were the government to use a multiplier of five instead of three, the proportion of Americans below the poverty line would rise to more than 24 percent.
For the first five months of 2007, the trade deficit actually fell 7 percent from 2006.
Say, for example, there is a drought for a couple of decades, or hunters are killing five percent of the population, and so on.
The remaining sixty-five percent, more recently urbanized, worked in newly developed industries—tobacco, lumber, coal and iron manufacture, and railroads.
The results of the company's cost-cutting measures are evident in its profits, which increased five percent during the first three months of this year after it fell over the last two years.
So far in the Paris region there's been a forty six percent decline in Japanese visitors, thirty five percent fewer Russians and twenty seven percent fewer Italians.
So far in the Paris region, there's been a forty-six percent decline in Japanese visitors, thirty-five percent fewer Russians and twenty-seven percent fewer Italians.
Then the Internet happened.Although total mail volume stayed relatively steady until 2006, it has dropped an astonishing 20 percent in the past five years.
Over the last five years, the median presidential pay, adjusted for inflation, grew by 14 percent.
Eighty-five percent of the players at the Southern Dragons Football Club in Melbourne have an Asian background.
Over the last five years, the Chronicle found, their median increase, adjusted for inflation, was 19.6 percent.
His talent and commitment to his job have helped to increase the company's sales by five percent.
In this study, 35 percent of the subjects did not eat meat, whereas only about five percent of all Americans are vegetarian.
Of the respondents, 60 percent said they were planning to buy a car during the next five years, while 16 percent already had one.
He noted that simple average growth in the five crisis countries was 4.6 percent in the four years 1999-2002; including China and Vietnam it reached 5.1 percent.
他指出,在1999- 20024年间,五个受危机冲击严重的国家平均增长率为4.6%;加上中国和越南就达到5.1%。
Evidence from fossils suggests that in the "Big Five" extinctions, at least 75 percent of all animal species were destroyed.
And 61 percent of the five-a-day group reported eating fruits and vegetables on three or more occasions the prior day, compared to just 32 percent in the other group.
Similarly, significantly more married women report that their stress has increased over the past five years (56 percent vs. 41 percent of single women).
In well-off countries, fewer than five percent of children under the age of five are malnourished; in poorer countries, as many as 50 percent of the children suffer from eating too little food.
Scientists say plants lose ninety-five percent of the water they take in through these pores.
We require you to replace the damaged goods and grant us a special discount of five percent to compensate for the loss.
我方要求你方更换损坏的,并希望能给5% 5特殊折扣以补偿我方的损失。
Fifty-five percent of the communications signals we send results from how others see us.
The five criteria in this study explained 65 percent of the variation in the respondents assessment of website usability.
The five criteria in this study explained 65 percent of the variation in the respondents assessment of website usability.