The topics discussed included the co-ordinated study of the destruction of forests, as well as how to combat forest fires and the extension of European research programs on the forest ecosystem.
The forest ecosystem externalities feature large volume, space-time transfer, continuance and complexity.
So it is better to cut down 1 or 2 trees once time, which can maintain the stability of the forest ecosystem.
The protection zone is the only zone Zhongyuan preserve the integrity of the forest ecosystem and wildlife areas.
The characteristics of standing crop of energy among different compartments for the forest ecosystem was systematically analyzed.
This paper studied the main process of analyzing the forest ecosystem by quoting the Forestry Station of Jiangshangjiao as the example.
The longer fire cycle can cause the fuel loading increasing and change fire frequency, fire type and fire intensity in the forest ecosystem.
While at present, the forest ecosystem, which is the biggest and the most important ecosystem in the land ecosystem, is being studied mostly.
Nitrogen is one of the three essential nutrients in the terrestrial ecosystem and is regarded as a main limited factor in the forest ecosystem.
The forest soil animal which is one segment of the forest ecosystem system, as well as the important consumer and disintegrators, have important meaning that can't be replaced.
As the main body of the land ecosystem, the forest ecosystem is playing the pivotal role in the whole ecosystem, its service function value appraisal research is a current hot spot.
A forest fire, after it breaks out, will spread speedily and burn a large area of forest if it is not killed timely, thus, causing losses to both the forest ecosystem and the mankind.
Methods The forest ecosystem service is evaluated by the method of material valuation, the ARCVIEW geographic information system technique, and the observation on the spot in the different regions.
The rich, green canopy is teeming with life, and forest researchers have developed ingenious methods for accessing this mysterious ecosystem.
Shifts in forest species composition ramify through the ecosystem in many ways because tree species have different, often unique properties.
And that's why, once we got deep into the forest, we saw a balanced ecosystem.
The small number of species also suggests the ancient forest was "an ecosystem right on the edge of being able to survive, " according to Barker.
Thus the near extinction of sea otters in the northern Pacific led to a proliferation of sea urchins, which then laid waste an entire kelp forest that had hitherto sustained its own ecosystem.
The liquid can be recycled back to the ecosystem by being applied to a memorial garden or forest or simply put into the sewerage system.
The boreal forest needs fire to maintain the ecosystem, and large fires happen regularly in the summer.
It has important significance for scientifically managing and running forest resources to evaluate the dynamic changes of the service function of forestry ecosystem system.
And they've destroyed the kelp forests, and with it, the kelp forest ecosystem in southwestern Alaska.
With the escalation of talking about dealing with climate change, forest, as the biggest carbon pool in ecosystem on earth, has taken an important position.
Our Forest, Your Ecosystem, Their Timber: Communities, Conservation, and the State in Community-based Forest Management.
This is serious because such sessile creatures are not merely part of the ecosystem. In a sense, they are the ecosystem—in the way that it is plants rather than animals that define a forest.
The accurate estimation of foliar chlorophyll concentration contributes to our need for further understanding of forest ecosystem.
Understory vegetation is one of the main components of forest ecosystem.
Soil, atmosphere and plant are the important carbon pools in forest ecosystem, among which, plant is the main medium linking the carbon exchange between soil and atmosphere.
Forest coverage should increase, the ecosystem should become more stable, and the living environment should improve markedly.
Forest coverage should increase, the ecosystem should become more stable, and the living environment should improve markedly.