Our story, I draw the full stop, give my last dignity, for our love, keep beautiful curtain.
Leptin tells the brain to stop eating once the stomach is full, but fails to work effectively in most obese people, according to the study by researchers at the Harvard Medical School.
Why do we then choose to stop just short of giving our gut the full credit it deserves?
Patients regularly stop breathing during the night when their airways become blocked depriving them of a full night's rest.
When you are eating from the physical state mind you usually stop eating when you are full.
Any package in the UML code model with a name that contains period or full stop (.) characters is expanded to a sequence of nested name Spaces to eliminate those periods.
Your eyes are full-size at birth, but your nose and ears, on the other hand, never stop growing.
On the campaign trail, I had said at virtually every stop, No one with children who works full-time should live in poverty.
It turns out that nicotine can rev up brain cells that normally signal people to stop eating when they're full, researchers report in Friday's edition of the journal Science.
But they probably do not have enough votes to stop it, either in committee or when it eventually comes before the full House.
We need to stop the practice of peddlers selling individual pills instead of full treatment courses.
If it is hard to stop booms once they are in full swing, it is no easier to prevent them from starting in the first place.
The most advanced chips are built using 32-nanometre technology, meaning that transistors are now so tiny that more than 4m can fit on this full stop.
THE cab ride to the conference can best be described as binary: either we travel at full speed or we stop.
Stop worrying about whether the current downturn will become a full-scale correction of 10% or worse.
Ni surveyed centenarians around the world and found that most follow the "three-quarters" rule: they stop eating when they are three-quarters full.
Although I'd chosen the cheaper option of transitioning on the NHS, failure to maintain a full-time job could still stop me in my tracks.
Having been around the top level of the game for so long, Faye knows full well that if you stop the other team from scoring then you have every chance to go on and take the points.
Break when a period or full stop is followed by a white space; this is assumed to be the end of a sentence or paragraph.
Here and there she came to a full stop, and peeped curiously into a pool, left by the retiring tide as a mirror for Pearl to see her face in.
Apparently a single missing full stop at the end of the code meant that the domain Name Systems (DNS) failed to recognise.se as the "top-level" (country-wide) domain.
After a meal (chicken curry and rice) and a short sleep in bunk beds at the Seto-kan hut, we woke at 11.30pm to continue. By now the path was full of people doing the non-stop night trek.
If, however, we want to construct the full original data, we need to know where to stop adding bits.
C Words like 'said 'and 'asked' are followed by a comma. We put a full stop after them only when they come at the end of a sentence.
In particular, System.gc does a full garbage collection of all generations using a stop-the-world collector (see Resources).
尤其是,System . gc会用一个stop - the - world收集器对所有代进行一次全面的垃圾收集(参见参考资料)。
Stop eating when you are full--listen to the cues your body gives you。
Those who are hypnotized remain in full control of the experience and have the ability to stop or refuse any suggestion at any time.
So we struggled to have our education, but the piece of certificate should never be a full stop.
The madness has to stop. What was once a 30 minute annoyance is now my full-time job. Here are 5 time saving tips.
You always quietly, when the sun and rain intersection, with a pocket full of childhood, for my memory. In the same place you non-stop shuttle.