The profile: You’re one of the 16% in the Gallup poll who said that they’d never tried to quit.
I am cheered by the Gallup poll that asks a simple question: do you happen to be reading any books or novels at present?
Gallup was an American statistician who invented the Gallup Poll, a successful statistical method of survey sampling for measuring public opinion.
Overall, the Gallup poll noted three trends: that helping complete strangers is the leading way the world gives, the happiest countries donate more than the wealthiest, and older people donate more.
One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans, who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression, double the rate for working Americans.
A recent Gallup poll suggests that no political group is likely to win an outright majority in the next Salvadoran parliament.
The latest Gallup poll has Clinton pulling ahead of Obama by a margin of 49 to 42 percent.
In fact, according to a new analysis of data provided by the Gallup World Poll, the relationship between overall life satisfaction and wealth may not be as straightforward as previously thought.
A Gallup poll taken shortly after Hart withdrew found that 64 percent of respondents felt the press had treated him unfairly.
But it is not much compared with America where, according to a 2002 Gallup poll, over half of married Americans between the ages of 18 and 49 lived together before their wedding day.
Researchers at the Gallup World Poll went about it by surveying thousands of respondents in 155 countries, between 2005 and 2009, in order to measure two types of well-being.
盖洛普民意测验 (GallupWorldPoll)的研究员们为了完成此次调查,在2005至2009年间共对155个国家的数以千计的居民进行了测评,以便对两种类型的“幸福”指数进行衡量。
In a new Gallup poll, 44 percent of the respondents said they expected me to win the debate, and 30 percent said they could be swayed by it.
In a recent Gallup poll, Americans say they are keenest on the computer industry, with the restaurant business and hard-working farmers not far behind.
The World Bank will add to the Gallup World Poll a broad set of questions on the use of savings, credit, insurance and payment services, targeting the poor.
Nearly half of Americans – 48% – now believe the threat of global warming has been exaggerated, the highest level since polling began 13 years ago, the poll published today by Gallup said.
The overall Gallup world Poll constitutes a continuous survey that provides a scientific window into the thoughts and behaviors of 98 percent of the world's population.
In a Gallup Poll two weeks ago, a record high 38% said the USA "made a mistake" in sending military forces to Afghanistan; 58% said it was not a mistake.
According to a Gallup poll in 1999, 18% believed that the earth was the center of the universe.
In the United States a Gallup poll conducted last year found that only 14% of people agreed with the proposition that "humans developed over millions of years", up from 9% in 1982.
The figures came from a global Gallup Poll in which Denmark scored an impressive 82% of respondents who described themselves as happy.
一份来自环球盖洛普调查机构的数据显示,丹麦高达 82% 的民众反映自己幸福,排名第一;
A Gallup poll, released earlier this month, found that 48% of Americans think the threat of global warming is exaggerated, an increase of 13% since 2008.
The Gallup World Poll conducted surveys on a wide range of subjects in a representative sample of people from 132 countries from 2005 to 2006.
She is almost 20 points ahead of Mr Obama in the latest Gallup poll, and appeals much more strongly to blue-collar workers.
Researchers analyzed data from the Gallup World Poll covering 2005 to 2009.
研究者分析了盖洛普2005 - 2009年度全球民意调查。
The results of a Gallup poll showed that 94.9 percent of Beijing's residents supported the city's Olympic bid.
A Gallup opinion poll taken Monday shows 47 percent of Americans approve of the operation, while 37 percent disapprove.
A Gallup poll showed that American support for the war in Afghanistan has hit a new low, with 42% of respondents saying that sending American troops to the country had been a mistake.
A Gallup poll showed that American support for the war in Afghanistan has hit a new low, with 42% of respondents saying that sending American troops to the country had been a mistake.