The genetic distance between Alectoris magna and Alectoris chukar is 5.
The correlation about the genetic distance to the longitude and latitude were not markedly.
The results suggest that the genetic distance might be correlated with their biological similarity.
The genetic distance was not significantly correlated with the geographical distance between populations.
UPGMA is taken to calculate the genetic distance within and between populations. Systematic tree is constructed.
The genetic distance of pigs from humans means that fewer of the viruses present will be infections to human and...
The genetic distance for 46 wheat parent materials with 6 quantitative characters is determined by using multivariate analysis.
The genetic distance and phylogenetic tree between Chinese Hans and other populations were estimated by using DISPAN and PHYLIP software.
Based on the genetic distance clustering can be clearly divided into two categories-Indica and japonica, and the Indica polymorphism higher than the japonica rice.
The genetic distances among different biotypes were significantly higher than within the same biotype, while Q biotype showed the least genetic distance of 0.9% within itself.
进化分歧数据还表明,不同生物型之间的遗传距离明显大于同一生物型内遗传距离, 其中Q型内部差异最小, 在0.9%以内;
SSR assay was used to further investigate the genetic similarity between Ludao and 21 cultivated varieties, and cluster analysis was undertaken based on the genetic distance between them.
Methods Spatial semivariogram models were set up based on genetic distance by analyzing the relationship between geographic distance and genetic distance.
The results indicates1. The correlation coefficients of genetic distance under different environmental conditions closely relate to the selected characters.
The relative relationship among populations was also analyzed through pairwise distribution and genetic distance between haplotyoes.
The results indicated that there was a positive relationship between genetic differentiation and geographic distance.
The differences among the peanut cultivars are small. The mean genetic distance of the two analyses is 0.313 and 0.261 respectively.
We obtained the formula of hybrid synthetic index combining genetic distance with heritability.
Note: the Numbers on the branch points of the phylogenetic tree represented bootstrap values of the tree (1 000 replicates); Scale length represented genetic distance.
注:系统树分支点处的数字代表系统树的自展值(1 000次重复);标尺长度代表遗传距离。
Nei's genetic identity and genetic distance between the two populations were 0.9187 and 0.0848, respectively, which indicated low genetic differentiation between the two populations.
According to the allelic frequences of the 5 loci, a genetic distance between the above-mentioned populations was calculated.
Our data also suggeted that genetic distance between Accipitridae and Falconidae was longer than the average.
The environment coefficient usually relates to some external environment factors, such as the distance to genetic sag and the contact degree to frontal sand body of delta.
Microsatellite marker is one of the frequently used molecular markers. It has been used in the genotype identification, pedigree analysis and estimation of genetic distance.
The order of the 4 genes in this integrative map was exactly consistent with the 14th linkage group in classic linkage map, with nearly the same genetic distance.
The NJ and MP phylogenetic trees showed that, Talim wapiti had further genetic distance with another subspecies, which should be clustered in different wapiti types;
The NJ and MP phylogenetic trees showed that, Talim wapiti had further genetic distance with another subspecies, which should be clustered in different wapiti types;