Earth perceives that humans are on tract to meet this goal by 2025, after which the golden era will be entered.
Intend to gather together in community and master holographic flow giving birth to the golden era of ascension ahead.
Now one of the great actresses of the golden era of Hollywood, Dame Elizabeth Taylor has died in Los Angeles from congestive heart failure.
The new human dream will be one of unity , joy, forgiveness and peace; this is the birth of the golden era that many prophets have predicted.
The growth is double that the figures look good in mathematics expressions, despite of that the golden era might not be reviving in foreseeable future.
Spending on new projects andmajor renovations dipped in the 1970s and 1980s, but has since risen and is nowhigher even than in the golden era of highway-building.
This is the beginning of the birth of the golden era in which enlightenment shall become the focus of mankind and a new day shall be born ahead of greater wisdom, love, peace and truth.
A return to the golden era is certainly not the answer: it is now clear that Mr Koizumi danced atop an edifice, dominated for half a century by the LDP, that was about to crumble regardless.
Many ascending children in the golden era ahead will be born of this nature; and this can only be accomplished as more devoted to this path choose to ascend beyond the regenerative paradigm ahead.
Looking through your choices, it feels like the Victorian era was a golden age for British authors.
Back in the 1990s women in rich countries seemed to be heading towards a golden era.
Such unheard-of crowds and profits ended boxing’s shadow existence and ushered in its golden era, which would last through the 1950s.
The 1960s-era drama about love and life was nominated for the Golden Lion at last year's Venice Film Festival, and won the Best Cinematography at this year's Asian Film Awards.
Many pianos we rebuild are from the pianos 'golden era' of the early part of the last century when many builders produced instruments of very high quality.
May each succeed at mastering one's own destiny, and may the new golden era ahead be born!
In 1986, a golden era was ushered in by the return of Double-winning midfielder George Graham as manager.
When the SkySea Golden Era embarked this summer on its inaugural tour, it looked a bit different from the last time it sailed, when it was known as the Celebrity Century.
The new era proved to be a golden age for art songs, with broadening of subject matter, maturing of art and richly varied use of language and techniques.
His passing not only brought about personal loss but also a sad reminder of the passing of a golden era in systems and control.
Gansu, as the second largest population province in Northwest region, the change of population age structure causes "silver wave" and "golden era" coming together.
For poets in our generation, the era was golden, just like brilliance of freedom irradiating our pure ideals;
As each map follower likewise settles the karma, all karma for the Annanuki and Red Dance along with the era of Atlantis may be settled in full, spawning the new golden era ahead.
If this were to occur, the potential dream of mass starvation would fade into a new dream of just enough for each that lives to witness the coming golden era ahead.
If this were to occur, the potential dream of mass starvation would fade into a new dream of just enough for each that lives to witness the coming golden era ahead.