Italy - Miniature carvings of the Holy family are placed in a wooden triangle.
The night that Christ was born a little brown bird shared the stable with the Holy Family.
Marx and Engels in the holy family in elucidating, "history is the pursuit of his own goal activities."
Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 is the theoretical starting point of understanding the Holy Family.
In the Holy Family, Marx expounded the history from people's actual needs after absorbing the thoughts of the 18century French materialism.
All the proceeds from the auction will go to the Milan Foundation for the construction of the Neonatal and Intensive Therapy unit at the Holy Family Hospital in Nazareth.
Joseph has brought the Holy Family to safety from the rage of Herod, but they are moving towards the pusillanimity of Pilate, the balancing pole of wickedness in the mystery plays.
Italy - miniature carvings of the Holy family are placed in a wooden triangle. This is beautifully decorated with colored paper, gilt pine cones, candles, and miniature colored flags or pennants.
Keep the joy of loving God in your heart and share this joy with all you meet especially your family. Be holy - let us pray.
"Happy Dino, happy Together" is constantly creating the happy growth parenthood family environment for Chinese children to fulfill our holy mission.
Their family 9 crest dates to the Middle Ages, when the Liechtenstein family was close friends with the Hapsburg family, who ruled the 10 Holy Roman Empire.
Their family 9) crest dates to the Middle Ages, when the Liechtenstein family was close friends with the Hapsburg family, who ruled the 10) Holy Roman Empire .
Long long ago, a man got the secret news that there was a holy fire burning in a far-away place, so he set out to look for it, hoping that he could manage to fetch its light to his family.
Long long ago, a man got the secret news that there was a holy fire burning in a far-away place, so he set out to look for it, hoping that he could manage to fetch its light to his family.