The influential factor of POCD is variety and the pathogenesis is unclear.
The influential factors of the blending factor were discussed and the calculation method was illustrated.
The influential factors included local bone tissue, stress, growing factor, epithelial cells, pathology surroundings and so on.
Analysis is the influential factor of the moisture permeability of envelop materials, and put forwards the ideas of how to design envelop materials.
The study tracked more than 300, 000 people over seven years and concluded that having a good support network is as influential a factor in your long-term health as whether or not you're a smoker.
Understanding data flow is important because it is the most influential factor in terms of the query performance aspect of query execution.
In this dissertation, the changing characteristic and trend and its influential factor of wheat supply and demand in China are analyzed.
The scale-factor error of inertia component is greatly influential to the precision of Inertial Navigation System (INS).
The synthesis principle, method and influential factor of spherical magnesium carbonate were discussed in this paper.
The author goes further into the conception, influential factor, classification and application of water environmental capacity.
Against international background, the influential power of enterprise culture is becoming an internal decisive factor deciding enterprise success or failure.
Objective To investigate the incidence, influential factor and clinical significance of intra-atrial aberrant conduction.
The thesis will analyze the relationship between influence strategies and channel satisfaction, and put forward influential factor models of the influence strategies on the channel satisfactions.
The main influence factors include the reactants proportion, whetting time, and the decomposing temperature. Decomposingtemperature is the most influential factor and heating time is the next.
Based on experiments, the diffusion mechanism and influential factor of selective uranium separation and acids recovery with ion exchange diffusion dialysis membranes are introduced.
Conclusions Age was the main influential factor of the cerebral blood blow in hypertension with ischemic stroke but blood pressure was not.
The mechanism and influential factor of sulfate attack of concrete are analyzed and investigated, and some avoiding measures are proposed.
This article gives a review of the biochemical character of IGF, influential factor of release of IGF and influence on IGF by exercise.
The process of brine refining of ionic membrane caustic soda, and the each influential factor of the quality of brine were introduced.
The properties of latex are the most influential factor on printability and print quality of coated paper.
The function of relief valve on valve regulated lead acid batteries and influential factor for determining opening pressure was discussed.
The effects of several influential factors on the water extraction of baicalin were investigated by single factor experiment using UV-spectrometry for the determination of baicalin content.
In addition to wind speed, relative humidity was the se cond significant influential factor for head fire speed in sunny days, and atmosphere temperature had significant influence after precipitation.
The main influential factor on the quality of ice cream is the viscosity of mixture, which depends mainly on the viscosity of stabilizer.
Backwater is a main influential factor of the effective cavity length, almost a decisive one sometimes.
The sensitivity study of the canopy temperature shows that the interior air temperature is the most influential factor, and it can be regarded as main factor to predict canopy temperature.
To investigate how to set the search window, the propagation delay, which is the most influential factor in setting the search window size during soft handoff, is estimated.
To investigate how to set the search window, the propagation delay, which is the most influential factor in setting the search window size during soft handoff, is estimated.