Using land tenancy theory in the information economics, a consumer credit game model and finds an equilibrium solution is constructed.
The information economics is a result of asymmetric information Game theory application into economics. It is study what is a most action contract.
The concerned theory of credit chiefly includes the information economics and play chess is discussed and modern contract theory and modern essentialism theory.
On the basis of the attention economics, the Game theory and the information economics, this paper attempts to analyze the Game between the advertisers and the audience.
This text will make use of the game theory and the information economics theory, from the Angle of principal-agent relationship, to analyse the risk of logistics outsourcing.
Focus on the use of the game theory and asymmetric information theory in the information economics, to analyze the reason of college students 'sincerity absence and the negative impact to enterprises.
The way we hear music, the way our mind processes music, is very, very different from this other kind of information, very different from history or economics.
From the Angle of international trade theory, information economics and new system economics, the paper analyzes the conditions of relative rent existing in supply chain.
In this paper, we dissects the distorted origin of accounting information from economics theory.
Dealing charge theory of modern western economics, information asymmetry theory, and gaming theory provided fine theoretical explanation for the generation of credit.
The analyses are across fields of institutional economics, information economics and behavioral finance with support of relevant research achievements.
The customer perspective class, for example, will go well beyond marketing to touch on psychology, sociology, economics, operations, accounting, organizational behavior and information technology.
This paper analyzes on the reasons of accounting information distortion from the Angle of economics, and probes into some countermeasures for improving the accounting information quality.
In this dissertation we studied the entrepreneur behavior with the analytical technology of Game Theory and Information Economics.
Then, it introduces briefly about "Vickery auction" and its contribution for the Economics of information.
The article attempts to analyze accounting disclosure from the point of information economics.
In 1996, Prof. Mirrlees was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics for his economic theory of incentives under asymmetric information.
Traditional new classical economics is under the prerequisite of symmetrical information assumption.
The dissertation applies the economics of information, theory of game and the new system economics to study the corporation boundary by the Numbers.
Continuing disputes over economics of information originates from the difference in the understanding of its disciplinary existence and essence.
Attention economics is an approach to the management of information that treats human attention as a scarce commodity, and applies economic theory to solve various information management problems.
The information asymmetry theory is the core content of contemporary information economics and widely applied.
Chapter iv from the perspective of information economics, risk of default exists on the causes and solutions for qualitative analysis.
The analysis is based by the theoretic frame of strategy management and core competence, and use the theory of Information Economics, Games and core competence.
The problems in the concentrated control mechanism are analysed in terms of the idea of information economics. The efficiency of the market mechanism in water resources allocation is revealed.
The core of the micro information economics researches in China is to introduce and make use of the asymmetric information theory.
The core of the micro information economics researches in China is to introduce and make use of the asymmetric information theory.