In order to improve the competitiveness, China's commercial Banks accelerate the pace of the institutional reform.
Perhaps the region first had to stabilise its economies and build its social safety net before embarking on microeconomic and institutional reform.
In some sense, the institutional effects which were originated from Wang An-shih's Reform was the structural difficulty which prevented the development of capitalism.
The particular contradictory formation of the business makes a strong impact on the target and road of reform of Chinese institutional system.
Beginning in 1998, China carried out housing institutional reform, the end of a welfare housing distribution system, marks the beginning of the commercialization of housing.
The eleventh five-year planning has regulated that institutional reform should be deepened, and fiscal and tax institution reform should be advanced as well.
The results show that reform of decentralization changes the impact of institutional environments on the debt maturity structure.
However, the household responsibility system reform doesn't mean the end of the rural land institutional transition.
Therefore, deepening rural power supply institutional reform has become the key task of rural electric power.
Also in this process, compromise mechanism alone is not sufficient. The smooth development of educational institutional reform also requires stable and reliable compromise procedures.
Last, from the perspective of Institutional Economics, the author puts forward the reform strategies of agricultural policy-oriented financial system for China.
Last, from the perspective of Institutional Economics, the author puts forward the reform strategies of agricultural policy-oriented financial system for China.