Investors who are bidding stocks up this time could be right, but the jury is still out.
The jury is still out, though fossil charcoal shows that forest fires were common at the time.
There are options that include Ares and options that do not include Ares, so the jury is still out.
The jury is still out on whether current theories really are enough to explain the origins of the universe.
Many nutrition experts do, and it may turn out they're right, but at this point I think the jury is still out.
The new observations are very exciting, but the jury is still out on the importance of spicules in the big scheme of things.
The jury is still out on how much the spicules contribute to the coronal heat, but scientists agree it's an important step forward.
The jury is still out on what will happen if and when the country can no longer afford the programme, which is eating up 4.2% of GDP.
The jury is still out on whether Beijing will manage to produce air sufficiently breathable for runners safely to complete a marathon.
There has been a long debate on whether video games labeled as "educational" actually make children smarter, and the truth is, the jury is still out.
For now, the jury is still out on whether the Alpha Centauri system has smaller, Earth-like worlds in life-friendly regions, but Fischer expects answers shortly.
Well, the first sales figures from New York look good. But we're waiting to hear the figures from Chicago and Los Angeles, so I have to tell you the jury is still out.
For those that are wondering, the caps are by Jenpo, a company that I've seen used by Topower before although the jury is still out as to the quality of their product.
China has again been preventing the renminbi from strengthening and the jury is still out on whether the country intends to depart from its mercantilist growth strategy.
Past customers that the vendor provides were likely successful implementations, but currently implementing customers represent more valuable feedback, since the jury is still out.
The jury is still out on whether the algorithm derived by Afek et al. accurately mirrors the biological system, but what matters from a computer science perspective is that it works.
For large projects, the jury is still out, although such efforts can certainly benefit from a program-based approach with multiple continuous integration streams, one for each system or component.
Mr. Maradona straddles the line between genius and folly: As a player he clearly leaned toward the genius side; as a coach the jury is most definitely still out.
Similar brain-teaser programs are available on home computers, sometimes free of charge. The scientific jury is still out on the efficacy of such software.
Thee jury is still out on whether vitamin C can treat or prevent a cold, but a recent review of the scientific literature suggests that it does have some benefits.
Maradona straddles the line between genius and folly: as a player he clearly leaned toward the genius side; as a coach the jury is most definitely still out.
Maradona straddles the line between genius and folly: as a player he clearly leaned toward the genius side; as a coach the jury is most definitely still out.