Researching study, as the key point of quality education, has been tested and spreaded in high schools all over the country, but people still have some confused ideas about it.
In face of the change of this diverse and complex world, the key point to improve the quality of humanity as a whole is how to establish a structure of thinking to adapt to modern society.
The design layout, key process of construction, such as well point drilling quality, filtrating quality, well washing quality, continuity of pumping were discussed.
The box girder concrete casting key point, layout of equipment and casting time control are analyzed on the base of construction performance of high quality maritime works concrete.
To integrate quality tool with Mass Customization is the key point of the researching on this paper.
Firstly, the quantization study on surface roughness of old concrete which is the key control point of bonding quality was carried on by roughness test.
Procedure quality, the smallest unit of forming project quality, is the basic tache to form project quality and the key point to spot quality control.
The development of the membranes for diaphragm valves was presented. The quality requirement for health, characteristic of formula design and key point for process were reviewed.
To integrate quality tool with Mass Customization Production-processing, design a quality system that fit for Mass Customization Production-processing is the key point of the researching on.
The example -matching is the key point in EBMT, it directly affects the quality of EBMT.
The technology of the wall linking is the key point for the diaphragm wall construction, the quality of the linking construction will impact direct on the designing features of the diaphragm wall.
Utilizing nursing human resources reasonably and effectively is the key point to guarantee high quality of nursing service and successful nursing management.
Point out that traced key of value of a quantity is the systematical study on certification methods and quality assurance technique of analytical process.
Fire hazard analysis is the basis and the key point of the quality analysis of the performance-based fire protection design.
The article consider that the Key point is the quality of raw materials and parts, the important factors were process control and manufacture management.
Then the author presents the means on how to design the control point of files, information and quality recorders, and the key problems and the control means of the control point setting.
Proper title selection is a very important issue in Chinese book cataloging, it relates to the quality of title search point and has key meaning to open out the content of cataloging document.
The rational selection of spinning condition so as to improve the spinning stability and structure of POY is the key point for production of fine denier polyester drawn yarn of high quality.
The quality of the circumferential welding in pressure vessels must be paid full attention. This is the key point to guarantee the safety of the pressure vessels in operation.
The training of double-competency PE teachers in higher vocational colleges is the key point to improve the quality of physical education.
The key point of the fabrication of integrated optical devices is to prepare the planar waveguide structure with high quality.
The correct operation of glycol circulation system was the key point to ensure product's quality.
The detection and location of the start point and end point of the voltage sag and swell is a key problem for the power quality monitoring.
Facing foreign corporations coming, how to upgrade service quality is the key point on management of internal retailers.
Therefore, the effect can be improved in mathematics teaching is the key point of improving the whole teaching quality in vocational schools.
The automatic control of welding quality has always been a difficulty and hotspot in welding field, and the welding sensing technique is a key point in the process of it.
The enrollment of international medical students has been expanding. How to improve the quality of medical education is a key point.
It is pointed out that the key point of correct application of pesticide is operator's quality. In the paper, major ways to control the disaster are proposed.
As the quality constructing basic platform, quality assurance system is the key point to enhance the quality of network education.
As the quality constructing basic platform, quality assurance system is the key point to enhance the quality of network education.