One day, during the last Spring Festival, I saw a large family visiting her stand.
Because it is the last spring outing in my primary days! We'll all miss this spring outing.
I remember during the last Spring Festival, the global economy was hard hit by the financial tsunami and the uncertain economic outlook dimmed our festive mood.
Last spring one of the two, Australia, gave up the dubious distinction by establishing paid family leave starting in 2011.
The first student went in winter, the second in spring, the third in summer, and the last in autumn.
Because of the COVID-19, only a few markets were open in our city last spring.
After viewing a few of the gruesome videos of Muammar Qaddafi's last moments, I called Abdullah, the young translator with whom I'd worked in Benghazi last spring.
With one month of the season left before the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, take a look at the cold, snowy days of the last couple months.
The stimulus package passed last spring offered tax benefits, including capital-gains tax exemptions and increases in the amount of business expenses that could be claimed for tax purposes.
They cheered the absence of the stifling tents in which they studied last spring.
Tears clouded both our eyes. Neither of us feared this last flower of fall, but the wait for spring seems longest in November.
But it now faces a decision on whether to recall more than 300, 000 cars sold since the newest version of the Prius was introduced last spring.
Jobs began meeting last spring with the people he wanted to see before he died, including Bill Gates (NYT)
The fund’s ceiling was raised to euro50 billion last spring, to cope with the potential need for emergency loans to Hungary and others.
As the snow began melting last spring some areas suffered deadly flooding.
Last spring, the Bank began opening its storehouse of data to outside researchers, partnering with Google and others to make it easier to visualize and increasingly available in multiple languages.
European scientists have been collecting and testing samples for the WNS fungus from bats across Europe since last spring.
Since last spring, the stock market has rallied with each earnings season as companies posted results far better than expected.
"Consumer confidence, which had rebounded strongly in late spring, has faded in the last two months," Lynn Franco, director of the Conference Board Consumer Research Center, said in a statement.
The FBI earlier this month charged a man with violation of federal copyright law, alleging he uploaded the film to the Web last spring.
Those whose memories have not yet been dulled by drink may remember a similar quest I embarked upon last spring, wandering the city's drinking dens in search of free snacks.
"The Finns party made a huge impact last spring all over Europe," he remembers with satisfaction. "The Portuguese bailout was on the hook for nearly one-and-a-half months because of us.
"The Finns party made a huge impact last spring all over Europe," he remembers with satisfaction. "The Portuguese bailout was on the hook for nearly one-and-a-half months because of us.