He performed on the Late Show with David Letterman, on the Tonight Show and at the White House.
On April 17, 2009, Joe Wong made his television 3 debut as a 4 comic on 5 The Late Show with David Letterman.
Ware even appeared on the late show with David Letterman Thursday for the top 10 list, detailing what was going through his mind when his leg broke.
"One of the things you sign up for in politics is that folks yell at you," Obama said on the Late Show of vitriolic rallies around the US attacking his plans for healthcare reform.
Overwhelmingly, the results show that today, the idea of the American dream—and what it takes to achieve it—looks quite different than it did in the late 20th century.
The kind of paper that purports to show that people who eat more than one kilo of broccoli a week were 1.17 times more likely than those who eat less to suffer late in life from pernicious anaemia.
I have witnessed end-of-iteration demos to stakeholders late in the project, meant to show progress before moving on to implement new requirements, turning into requirements elicitation sessions!
Auditions start later this month with the show set to go on air in late August.
I can't help but feel as though they're a bit late to the show - but perhaps there's still a seat to be had in Asia.
Which means that there is a huge opportunity for somebody to arrive late and steal the show.
However, I could definitely imagine the show without eli, whose sniveling apology to Nucky was not only too late but also showcased how easy betrayal is for eli.
Although she arrived at her following venue, the A Detacher (pronounced ah day-tah-shay) show late, a team of makeup artists and hair stylists had her ready to walk in about 10 minutes.
I like my boss except for one thing - he's always nagging me about getting to work on time. I'm never more than five minutes late, and that's only when the bus doesn't show up on time.
When one department head started to show up late, leave early, or just skip the meeting altogether, Ciccarelli knew there was a problem.
The gardens remain in situ all season, quietly growing and tended by the showground's six gardeners, so a late-summer visit would show them at their best.
Studies show that five out of six projects fail: delivered far over the expected budget, significantly late, or are canceled.
Robert and Taylor have already started making the late night talk show rounds, with Robert visiting Jimmy Kimmel Live and Taylor doing The Tonight Show just yesterday.
They can also be seen off-set: hosting debates, showing up as guests on late-night comedy shows, and even making fun of themselves in skits like those on the comic variety show Saturday night Live.
Once patients begin to show signs of memory loss, confusion and dementia, they now believe, it may be too late to reverse the damage to brain neurons.
Mullins was featured in a 1999 show by the late fashion designer Alexander McQueen and has gone on to a career as an actress.
If you begin on time, group members who show up late will realize the value of time.
The pair met backstage at a lingerie catwalk show in New York in 2006 and began dating in late 2007.
Recently, I missed an interview because I was 20 minutes late and the subject assumed I was a no-show.
最近,我错过了一场会谈。 我晚到了20分钟而对方认为我不会出现了。
I've been privileged to work for many great organizations over the years, so it's always been a pleasure to show up at the office early and work late.
After coming back to the show late last season, it has now been reported that he is leaving again the NBC series Heroes.
Wong recently made his TV network debut on CBS 'Letterman show - the hugely popular US late-night talk show - with dead-pan delivery on immigrants, family life and driving.
Wong recently made his TV network debut on CBS 'Letterman show - the hugely popular US late-night talk show - with dead-pan delivery on immigrants, family life and driving.