She is against allowing the ECB to become the lender of last resort, aka printer of money.
The central bank argued that such information could harm a bank if it was disclosed that it had turned to the lender of last resort.
In the broad sense, bank supervision also includes Financial Safety Net, namely the Lender of Last Resort and the Deposit Insurance System.
The EU Commission along with France are pushing for the ECB to become the lender of last resort, while Germany remains steadfastly against it.
ECB President Trichet was on the wires and called on Banks to reinforce their balance sheets as the ECB won't act as the lender of last resort.
As the lender of last resort, it must do more to save the Banks by offering unlimited liquidity for longer duration against a broader range of collateral.
The ECB officially became the lender of last resort to all of Europe this morning as it moved to buy up unwanted Italian and Spanish bonds in the secondary market.
On the other hand, as the lender of last resort only the Fed can inject money into virtually any type of firm; it might be good to give it corresponding authority to prevent abuse, too.
For that, they said, European Union institutions will have to extend more support, possibly by converting the European Central Bank into a lender of last resort.
Lender of last resort policy involves temporarily expanding liquidity and then returning to the price path consistent with price stability.
The state could charge heftily for acting as lender of last resort—or, less desirable, impose a windfall tax on bank profits or a “Tobin tax” on transactions.
Acting as lender of last resort, the Austrian central bank increased the money supply by 20% virtually overnight.
The EU lacks a lender of last resort, an institution with virtually unlimited resources to guarantee the survival of the euro.
Who is going to supervise, regulate and operate as lender of last resort with the gigantic Banks that are being created?
I expect the IMF to play an increasingly important role as a global lender of last resort.
THE world is indeed highly dependent on China which, along with other large emerging market economies, is increasingly playing the role of the world’s consumer as well as lender of last resort.
如今的世界的确十分依赖中国。 中国同其他大型的新兴市场经济体一道,成为全球越来越重要的消费者和最后贷款人。
Striking the right balance between being a credible lender of last resort and an effective policy policeman is hard.
There is likewise no need for a “lender of last resort” for the banking industry any more than for the personal computer industry or the shellfish industry.
Lender of last resort: A central bank's role as the entity that lends money to commercial banks and other financial institutions when they have no other means to raise funds.
For all the grand rhetoric, no politician is proposing to cede sovereignty to a global regulator, let alone create a true global lender of last resort.
Nevertheless, the market signaled on Thursday that it had no faith in the ECB's new role of being this sort of lender of last resort to its member nations.
In the short term the ECB is the only institution that can be an effective lender of last resort to the euro zone's big, illiquid sovereigns.
The European Central bank, which is not a lender of last resort even to Banks in the euro zone, has been sniffy about lending to countries outside it.
The ECB has responded as a lender of last resort to the banking system, expanding and extending its liquidity lines for Banks.
The ECB has responded as a lender of last resort to the banking system, expanding and extending its liquidity lines for Banks.