How the little sister wept over the enchanted brother, and the fawn wept also.
It began to rain, and the little sister said, "See, brother, heaven and our hearts weep together."
Before moving into the room with the Little Sister, go through the door marked Rapture Metro.
One week later, the queen sent the little sister Alice to a farmer's house in the countryside.
Nuonuo is the little sister of Mingming, who also fell in love with Shitou after their first meeting.
After that we are again transformed into swans. "Crying, the little sister said," Can you not be redeemed?
Just before she heard the little sister was crying, and quickly to take care of little sister, my head hurts.
At last they found themselves in a large forest; it began to rain, and the little sister said, "See, brother, heaven and our hearts weep together."
The 7 brother's laborious work that is engaged in farmland sowing, and the little sister is to go up hill deflowers collect tea, the family lives happy and simple life.
The eleven went into the forest and caught game, and deer, and birds, and wood-pigeons that they might have food, and the little sister and Benjamin took care to make it ready for them.
Gina is the exact opposite of her little sister, though they resemble each other in appearance.
The boy loves his little sister very much so he thinks he must protect her.
Mom, my little sister is crying all the time.
The main characters are a boy called Siegfried and his little sister Hannah.
He was the shortest in his own family, and he was even shorter than his little sister—by three inches!
The boy lifted his arms and said happily, "Well, please give half of my blood to my little sister!"
Always ask your parents before you do anything for the baby, and they will show you how to help look after your new little brother or sister.
My little sister and I went in one day and strolled from stand to stand in the fashion department until we found the right stand and the right sweater.
The last photo taken of me with my mother is of us standing in front of our childhood home with my little sister.
After wandering about for some time, they at last found a little deserted hut, and the sister was overjoyed, for she thought it would form a nice shelter for them both.
Then he looked at it and recognized it as a ring belonging to his father and mother, and said: "My God grant that our little sister is here; if she were, we should be freed from the spell."
"But remember," she said, "I must lock the cottage door against those huntsmen, so when you come back in the evening, and knock, I shall not admit you, unless you say, 'Dear little sister let me in."
When Glasberg, who lives near Ottawa, Canada, saw his gray-haired little sister for the first time, he recognized her immediately, he said.
When Glasberg, who lives near Ottawa, Canada, saw his gray-haired little sister for the first time, he recognized her immediately, he said.