Who do I talk to if I want to find out some more about the Maori language classes?
As you know, we've been looking at different kinds of art and craft that were practised by the Maori people of New Zealand—at least before the Europeans began to arrive in the 18th century.
The native people of New Zealand are called the Maori.
The Maori signed an agreement with the European settlers.
The Maori came from the islands of Polyneia in the Pacific.
To the Maori people, ta moko is a sacred form of family identification.
The Maori were the first settlers of New Zealand - arriving many centuries before Europeans.
It is a good thing that New Zealand helps the Maori to keep their own language and culture.
To tell the truth, I really can't tell the differences between the Maori and American Indians.
When someone dies, all the relations, old and young, come to the marae for the Maori burial service.
Poutini remains hidden, but pieces break off in streams, providing the Maori with precious greenstone.
Just like all other RACES, the Maori people also have their own different and unique beliefs and practices.
Ruapehu itself was not shown in the flint, out of respect for the Maori people. who regard it as a sacred site.
As the Maori had no written language, the stories of Maori history were handed down from generation to generation.
The early settlers, the Maori, are thought to have originated from the Pacific islands or Asia over 1,000 years ago.
The Maori killed most of the 66 people on board, and carried dead and alive victims off the boat and back to shore to be eaten.
This kiss is also performed by numerous Pacific Islander cultures, including the Maori of New Zealand, where it is a ritual greeting.
By 1840 about 2000 Europeans, mainly British, had come to settle in Zealand and the Maori signed an agreement with these settles.
By 1840 about 2000 Europeans, mainly British, had come to settle in New Zealand and the Maori signed an agreement with these settlers.
Manuka honey is derived from the Manuka plant which flourishes on the Maori tribal lands of New Zealand and provides beneficial properties.
Saving the tuatara is a matter of pride among new zealand's indigenous groups. the animals are revered by the maori as a taonga or treasure.
Throughout New Zealand, the Maori use a pit for cooking food over hot stones and covered with earth, which gives it a special flavour (this is known as a haangi).
That does not mean that Finnish is not important to the Finns, and Maori is not important to the Maoris. It is just that these languages are not so important to the rest of us.
It was a wonderful introduction to the Maori people and traditions and an amazing exchange of cultures was seen between the local people and out multicultural group of Young Explorers.
Due to the outsider "assimilation" cultural invasion and became very disadvantageous position, such as America, the indians, Oceania and near the Arctic Circle in the Maori Inuit, etc.
And the streams that wash down from the glacier-capped peaks carry a highly prized stone, a hard, translucent, green rock that the Maori carved into jewelry and blades, for both tools and weapons.
A few lucky survivors, who were able to find a hiding spot inside the mast of the boat, were horrified as they watched the Maori devour their shipmates through the night and in to the next morning.
A few lucky survivors, who were able to find a hiding spot inside the mast of the boat, were horrified as they watched the Maori devour their shipmates through the night and in to the next morning.