Paint won't cover the mark on the wall; we shall have to paper over it.
Paint won't cover the mark on the wall, so we shall have to paper over it.
Her novel the Mark on the Wall written in 1919 is a successful novel of stream-of -consciousness.
Perhaps it was the middle of January in the present that I first looked up and saw the mark on the wall.
PERHAPS IT WAS the middle of January in the present year that I first looked up and saw the mark on the wall.
And if I were to get up at this very moment and ascertain that the mark on the wall is really - what shall I say?
Yes, it must have been the winter time, and we had just finished our tea, for I remember that I was smoking a cigarette when I looked up and saw the mark on the wall for the first time.
Whitaker knows, and let that, so Nature counsels, comfort you, instead of enraging you; and if you can't be comforted, if you must shatter this hour of peace, think of the mark on the wall.
CELEBRATIONS will be held in Germany, and elsewhere, on Monday November 9th to mark the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Ceremonies to mark the 15th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall was held in the German capital on Nov. 9th.
Mark lives with his parents in XXX, which is six miles away but might as well be a hundred, lying on the far side of an Israeli checkpoint and the 24-foot-high concrete barrier known as the Wall.
The researchers asked 70 mothers to estimate - by putting a mark on a wall - the height of each of their children.
研究人员让 70 名母亲通过在墙上画上标记,估计她们每一个孩子的高度。
On the campus, in class or suspension English signs, Posting do English wall newspaper, mark in English indoor all sorts of items, the name of the school each classroom English bilingual signs capes.
On the campus, in class or suspension English signs, Posting do English wall newspaper, mark in English indoor all sorts of items, the name of the school each classroom English bilingual signs capes.