The matrix decomposition method for DOA estimation is analyzed. It is proved that the method is a subspace method.
By using the techniques of the matrix decomposition and the system transformation, the set-valued filtering for stochastic singular linear systems is also designed.
Within the framework of the paraxial approximation the matrix decomposition and equivalent transformation of misaligned optical systems are studied in detail based on matrix method in optics.
LU decomposition is a triangular decomposition approach of non-singular matrix, and the digital image can be seen as a matrix.
Thereinto, for the spectral decomposition estimate of the covariance matrix , we can gain the risk functions under some losses.
The actual procedure and algorithm for query decomposition optimisation with association matrix is proposed, and is convenient to be performed on a computer.
Square root method is one of direct methods, which is an effective method for the solution of symmetrical positive liner equations through triangle decomposition of symmetrical positive matrix.
Through estimating the signal and noise subspaces with the eigen-decomposition of the correlation matrix, the MUSIC algorithm is used to estimate the DOAs of LFM sources.
通过对相关矩阵进行特征值分解,估计信号子空间和噪声子空间,并利用MU S IC算法估计宽带LF M信号的波达方向。
It is theoretically important to solve the problems of decomposition of automorphisms of solvable subalgebra and nilpotent subalgebra of matrix algebra over commutative rings.
Based on the algorithm of maneuvering acceleration current statistical model adaptive filtering, the adaptive kalman filtering algorithm based on QR matrix decomposition is presented in this paper.
在机动加速度“当前”统计自适应卡尔曼滤波算法的基础上,引入了基于Q - R矩阵分解的自适应卡尔曼滤波算法。
By using the method of matrix singular values decomposition, the general expressions of the least squares solutions are given.
Through the multiresolution decomposition and compression of operator matrix and seismic wave field matrix, we proposed a new method of seismic modeling in wavelet domain.
Digital image is transformed into singular value matrix that contains non-zero singular values by singular value decomposition (SVD), the image is compressed.
A recursive algorithm for calculating the eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix based on LDLT decomposition is given.
A robust stability boundary of uncertain singular systems is proposed by utilizing singular value decomposition and the character of mode matrix.
We got the standard form of nonsingular matrix over the finite field by means of BN pair decomposition under the similarity transformation of the permutation matrix.
Based on the unit quaternion decomposition of rotation matrix, this paper puts forward an algorithm to estimate motion parameters from the space position vectors of 3d feature points.
This paper introduces a typical SNR estimation algorithm by the use of autocorrelation matrix singular value decomposition method.
The least square problem of the convolution result and real seismic data can be considered as the solution of a huge rarefactional matrix equation, which can be solved by singular value decomposition.
Based on the eigenvalue decomposition of the converted measurement error covariance matrix, asymptotic behavior was given about the converted position measurement error.
A least squares solution via singular value decomposition is used to solve the matrix equation.
Using the linear space in linear substitution, has given on the complex field the matrix one form, and gave this kind of decomposition form to ask the law specifically.
We also derive the sufficient conditions of robust stability by rank-1 decomposition of the matrix under the assumption that uncertainty is matrix polytope structured uncertainty.
假设不确定性为矩阵多胞形结构不确定性,利用矩阵的秩- 1分解,得出系统鲁棒稳定的充分条件。
The initial sensor assignment is obtained by the QR decomposition of the structural mode shape matrix to ensure the estimation accuracy of the parameters.
Apply singular value decomposition and generalize inverse of the matrix to discuss the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the standard linear programming problem.
The direct form for the recursive least squares estimation via matrix QR decomposition with one step data updated is given .
In addition, the recursive least square based on matrix UD decomposition is used to confirm the conclusion parameters of fuzzy model for the sake of accumulating and transferring o.
With the LU decomposition of the block tridiagonal matrix, an explicit expression of the block inverse elements is obtained.
A method extracting multiple target feature by the eigenvalues decomposition of target echo autocorrelation matrix is presented.
Decomposition of dynamic matrix becomes a new research topic as soon as the LP dynamic factorization and kernel matrix came out.