So far, it's helped only the middle class, not the massive underclass, which remains at risk of intimidation and violence.
This appeal to the middle class convinced the elite that photographs would foster a desire for realism instead of idealism.
The more affluent children end up in college and on the way to the middle class, while working-class children tend to struggle.
In the late 1700s and the earlier 1800s, the development of the piano coincided with the growth of the middle class in Western Europe.
About half of U.S jobs are at high risk of being automated, according to Oxford study, with the middle class disproportionately squeezed.
As Lawrence James says about the British variety in "The Middle Class: A History", they are "a sprawling, untidy organism in a perpetual state of evolution".
正如劳伦斯·詹姆斯(Lawrence James)在他的《中产阶级:一段历史》(the Middle Class:A History)中对英国多样性的描述,他们是“一个不断进化的、杂乱无章的有机体。
"What white middle-class parents do not always understand," she said, "is how much pressure recent immigrants feel to boost their children into the middle class."
Among the annoying challenges facing the middle class is one that will probably go unmentioned in the next presidential campaign: What happens when the robots come for their jobs?
As a member of the middle class, Gaskell could hardly help approaching working-class life as an outside observer and a reporter, and the reader of the novel is always conscious of this fact.
Historians suggest that the advent of mass tourism began in England during the industrial revolution with the rise of the middle class and the availability of relatively inexpensive transportation.
"It seems to me that we in the middle class bear most of the burden," says Jone Nell Norman, 61, a nurse in Dyersburg, Tenn., who often wonders about the government's judgement in spending her money.
田纳西州Dyersburg 61岁的护士 JoneNellNorman经常怀疑她花钱时的判断力,她说:“在我看来,我们这些中产阶级承担了大部分的负担。”
What constitutes the middle class is relative, subjective and not easily defined.
"The growing wealth gap is threatening the middle class," says a local economist.
In the years ahead, hundreds of millions more Chinese citizens will join the middle class.
The middle class in Russia, which I'll talk about on Monday, was just absolutely miniscule.
And it makes it easier for the city's large Hispanic population to rise into the middle class.
Every one of those so-called tax-the-rich schemes ends up taxing the middle class families.
Mr. Smith nods. "the Banks and Wall Street have taken the middle class and shredded us," he says.
Over the past two years, we've won a number of battles to defend the interests of the middle class.
In most countries with Russia's income levels the middle class accounts for half the population or more.
So here are the homeless ensconced in the middle class alongside you and me and the no-name millionaires.
So here are the homeless ensconced in the middle class alongside you and me and the no-name millionaires.