Here is the situation, "she said." a man is standing up in a boat in the middle of a river, fishing.
You would not want to get off one horse and on to another in the middle of a river. Or make major changes in an activity that has already begun.
Clouds bracket the edges of the scene, but the dark blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean show in the middle, and above them, a rippling, brownish-yellow river of ash.
We are in the middle of a vast river of information, and it just flows by us constantly.
But just in the middle of the river he felt a terrible pain and realised that, after all, the scorpion had stung him.
Erosion caused by the Colorado River, which cuts through the middle of the canyon, has resulted in a majestic canyon and rock formations.
So there is this story about his Uncle Hoskins who takes his horse and cart with Richard in the back and drives it into the middle of the Mississippi River as a kind of practical joke on Richard.
This iconic image of the crying porpoise, was captured by photographers at a reserve along the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.
Time is like a river, the left bank is unable to forget the memories, right is worth grasp the youth, the middle of the fast flowing, is the sad young faint.
The small village sits in the middle of a village, with a river going through it.
Folk art be called national treasures, especially in the middle reaches of Yellow River is located in Shanxi, a special human geography to create a unique arts and crafts here.
While I am in the middle of crossing the river bed, a truck comes from the other side.
Landing on a small island in the middle of the river means conceit, pride or haughtiness.
There in the middle of the water was a mountain of logs, thousands of them, one on top of the other, blocking the river.
A city of eastern Romania on the lower Danube River northeast of Bucharest. Founded in the Middle Ages, it is a major inland port. Population, 285,077.
A river, about 245 km (152 mi) long, of central Nebraska flowing east and southeast to unite with the North Loup and Middle Loup rivers and form the Loup river.
A river, about 341 km (212 mi) long, of north-central Nebraska flowing southeast to unite with the Middle Loup and south Loup rivers and form the Loup river.
The interdecadal variation of rainfall intensity shows that the regional mean days of small precipitation and middle precipitation have a decreasing trend over the upper reaches of Yangtze River.
Wanjiazhai hydro project is a large hydro project on the middle trunk stream of Yellow River.
The mixed style of farming and animal husbandry popular with some mountain minorities in the Middle and Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River is a highly flexible and workable means of livelihood and Mr.
During the general works measures of the river regulation in the middle and lower Yangtze river, the channel revetment is a principle engineering of river control.
In addition, fossil Homo sapiens from the sediment provides a new data of palaeoanthropology for studying Lower Middle Yangtze River.
Baosheng temple's main hall is a wooden architecture of the South Changjiang River in the middle Northern Song Dynasty.
Haizi cave originated in the early or middle stage, Pleistocenc, Quaternary, and is a kind of afflux underground river cave.
In the middle of the river there was a beautiful island covered with mango, jackfruit and other fruit trees.
Dazhou village is a typical example of traditional village in the middle reach of Qinhe River, possessing high historical, scientific and artistic value.
Dazhou village is a typical example of traditional village in the middle reach of Qinhe River, possessing high historical, scientific and artistic value.