The easiest way to transfer money from a British bank account to a French one is by bank transfer: simply provide your British bank with the name, address and number of your French bank account.
The money in our necessity account pays for all of our expenses.
So, I said to the banker, I had better take that uninsured money out of your bank and open an account at Citigroup.
It takes into account commercial risk and discounts future cash flows (that is, it takes into account the time value of money) when making commercial, and particularly investment, decisions.
We are only going to show enough to use this example to illustrate the 2pc protocol being used to coordinate two actions: taking money out of one account and putting it in another account.
But don't chuck out your resume just yet — because the other half of the equation is how much money lands in your bank account.
Banks now have to put money into an escrow account instead of lending directly to developers. The cash is paid out when construction reaches certain milestones.
Transferring money from one bank account to another could take days, as Banks leisurely handed off funds, levying fees nearly every step of the way.
Buying Power Amount of money available in a margin account to buy securities based on excess margin divided by the margin requirement.
I want to enjoy my money, because what's the point of saving it or being smart about your choices if you are just going to pass away with it sitting in your bank account?
Imagine realizing you have 12 percent less money in your bank account than you thought. Scientists realized something similar while mapping the mangrove forests of the world.
SR3: The system shall withdraw a given amount of money from the account, but only if the resulting balance is not negative.
Though America's 100 biggest metropolitan areas account for 75% of the country's economic output, transport money is seldom focused on them.
So if they chose to ride a bike instead of a car, an automatic transfer of the allotted monthly gas money saved goes from a checking account into a savings account.
At the end of the month, the money in their account is divvied up to the publishers of the content the user 'Flattr-ed'.
But if you account for purchasing power (that is, the amount of stuff people can buy in their country with the money they earn), Mexico jumps ahead.
Many of their traditional problems were caused by their dependence on "hot money" from the developed world to finance current-account deficits.
Even those shrewd enough to stick their money in a savings account have had to worry about the safety of the banks.
The real money, however, is in running dialysis clinics and administering drugs, which account for 80% of the cost of dialysis.
But raising money is hard: loans to such firms account for only a small part of the total lending by those state-controlled Banks (see chart 4).
In retrospect, that business of the bank taking money out of an account and dispensing it doesn't work, because Banks don't do that (tellers do, bank officers do, Banks do not).
You find out what kind of relevant Jewish organizations there are, here or in Germany, and you pay the money to the account of the organization that seems most plausible to you.
In a typical mobile call, for example, the system must locate and identify the subscriber, what type of plan the subscriber USES, how much time or money is in the account, and other information.
Men have chosen the precious metals gold and silver for the money service on account of their mineralogical, physical, and chemical features.
Of course, conditions must be checked to ensure that the savings account in question has enough money in it to make up for the overage.
It's not in the interest of schools to have an honest, accurate account of dropouts — not just because a high dropout rate makes a school look bad, but also because there's serious money at stake.
诚实准确的辍学统计, 其实并不符合学校的利益;因为高辍学率,不仅使得学校看上去很恶劣,而且还因为它与经费拨款挂钩。
This money is kept in a bank account, and as compensation for the use of the customer's money the bank pays interest to the customer.
In addition to the obvious of putting money into a retirement fund or savings account, there are hundreds of ways to save money.
Would you please fill in the depositing form, giving the sum of money you're to deposit as well as your name and your account number?
1: I don't make a lot of money but every two weeks when I get paid I try to sock away twenty dollars in my savings account at the bank to buy a ring for the girl I want to marry.