The north pole is warmer than the south and the circulation of air around it is less well contained.
Nunavut is 1.9 million square kilometres of rock and ice, and a handful of islands around the North Pole.
There're lots of animals in the North Pole, for example, whale, polar bear, and sea dog, and I like polar bear best.
A hunter who took what appeared to be a baby polar bear from the North Pole has been found and will face strict punishment.
Since boyhood, Shirase had dreamed of becoming a polar explorer like Amundsen, and he initially set his sights on the North Pole.
从孩提时代起,Shirase 就梦想成为像阿蒙森一样的极地探险家,而他最初的目标是去北极。
He knew that the sources of the red-stained grains were generally closer to the North Pole than were the places yielding a high proportion of "clean" grains.
Parents intercept kids' letters to the North Pole, to see what they want.
GOLDMAN SACHS: "How many penguins would it take to surround the North Pole?"
The North Pole craters had a high CPR on the inside, with a low CPR on the edges.
The northern lights are often visible here because it is so close to the North Pole.
I found the distance to our main tent hard enough going, never mind a trek to the North Pole.
The location of the North Pole over the years -- it's shifted, but it hasn't caused a disaster.
若干年中北极的位置 ——它确实在变化,但是并未带来任何灾难。
The movement of the magnetic poles is unrelated to the location of the North pole, for example.
Letters sent from the North Pole or remote whaling stations are particularly in vogue at the moment.
The Zeppelin research station is situated on a mountain top approximately 1100km from the North Pole.
In March 2010, researchers discovered ice on the North Pole, though researchers were not sure how much.
You're the one writing the wish list. Are you planning on mailing it to Santa's house in the North Pole?
The sun is at its lowest in our sky because the North Pole of our tilted planet is pointing away from it.
With Russia saying that they are going to have an expedition next year to plant their flag on the North Pole.
A little known fact is that Santa Claus does not live at the North Pole, but in the Lapland region of Finland.
Another unusual phenomena occurred in 2010 at the North Pole, which experienced unexpected rain in Late April.
The discovery of Lenin \ 's statue might be a foreshadowing of some distant future discovery at the North Pole.
The North Pole is the spot on Earth’s globe that marks the northern end of an imaginary stick Earth spins around.
Meanwhile, the North Pole experienced an unusual rain in late April, which could prove that global warming is real!
Bajaj, meanwhile, told India's NDTV television by satellite phone that he had planted the Indian flag at the North Pole.
Explorers had tried to reach the North Pole by ship, dogsled and balloon, but all fell short, and scores had died trying.
Although many letters are simply addressed "To Santa Claus - the North Pole", they always end up at the right destination.
So, that's why when you say you're going around the world it depends on whether you do it at the equator or the North Pole.
So, that's why when you say you're going around the world it depends on whether you do it at the equator or the North Pole.