Ask anyone who has ever served on one. They'll tell you there are only two types of ships in the world: submarines and targets.
Because you have only one life and only one chance to do all the things you want to do.
Here, we have only one operation and interface, so you can define the qualifier at any level.
However, in this example, you have only one input card and one output card, so you can leave the rest of the tabs as default.
You make only one call per entity and get all the data there is to get.
Whatever the reason, when you're stranded and you have one investor the only way out is to find new outside investors.
This is the command screen you developed; it has the correct screen title and only has one selector in the dialog.
You see we're very busy in the office and only one of us could come, so we tossed up for it.
Take any of the things you wish to do (it doesn't matter which one.), and do it, and only it.
In both cases, you will find only one object and the properties displayed will be the same.
If the list of items has only one entry, then the JSON produced will not have square brackets () and you must do some special handling.
You are the only one who can change your life. You are also the only one who can determine your happiness, dreams and achievements and who can help yourself.
You told me I made you speechless, maybe you were right or maybe only those humorous boys can be accepted by you, and I, the boring one, can only watch you from a corner.
But fear not, because you have just stumbled upon the one and only article that gives the game loop the attention it deserves.
Of course, you might prefer to have both phones get their data from the same back-end source, where you can edit names and Numbers in only one place.
Your phone is always with you and knows where you are, and you're probably the only one who USES it.
What This Says About You: Obviously if there's an emergency and you're the only one around, the pressure to help out increases massively. You feel 100 percent responsible for what happens.
结果分析: 由此推及,在紧急情况下,假如你是当事人身边的唯一一个人,你参与援助的动力将大大增加,你将感觉到对此事具有100%的责任。
OK, so now you know how to form a habit — and remember, only do them one at a time — but you want to know the seven little habits.
Only one root element is in the file, and you need this "wrapper" to contain it all.
Note: As you'll discover later in the article, one of the keys to configuring and maintaining a secure server is to only install what you think you're going to need.
To keep the example simple, you only grab the first one and store it in your global variable.
If he sounds happy that you call during the day, invites you to his office and takes you to company parties, you're most likely his one and only partner.
It's important to plan the project, because once you're in front of the moon, it rises so quickly and you only have one chance to get the shots you want.
Time travel works!“ the note read. “However you can only travel to the past and one-way.
The only infrastructure you need in place is one to manage sales, marketing, and distribution.
The application needs to be consistent with itself. You always want one and only one way of doing something within an application.
Imagine if, for every meal you make, you have to go to the grocery store and purchase only the food you need for one meal.
You have built this into the forum as a button that is only shown to the author, and you even verify that the author is the one who made the request before performing the actual delete.
And at the end of our conversation he grinned and said, "you know, you're the only one who ever stops to talk to me around here, and you're the President and CEO."
And at the end of our conversation he grinned and said, "you know, you're the only one who ever stops to talk to me around here, and you're the President and CEO."